Mapping: Role of Education Cluster in Monitoring, Reporting, & Responding to Attacks on Education

This report aims to capture a range of perspectives on the Education Cluster’s role at the global and national levels, and to map the current Education Cluster practices in monitoring, reporting and response to attacks on education, including the main challenges and lessons learned. Inputs for this mapping were collected via a survey which yielded 61 individual responses, 31 key informant interviews with global, regional and country level stakeholders, review of more than 50 field level resources, and additional email correspondence. In total, more than 80 practitioners, specialists and advocates from the education, child protection and rights-related fields contributed their perspectives and shared their experiences. The mapping covers 22 countries, of which 13 have an active Education Cluster and eight have Education in Emergencies Working Groups. All 14 countries in which the UN Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) is currently established are represented in the mapping, as well as two former MRM countries. Annotated Reference Guide This Guide accompanies and complements The Role of the Education Cluster in Monitoring, Reporting and Responding to Attacks on Education: Field Guidance for Education Cluster Coordination Teams (2016). The Annotated Guide contains a selection of recent global resources with a high level of relevance to the Education Cluster’s work in monitoring, reporting and responding to attacks on education, which aim to address some of the issues, questions and challenges raised by Education Cluster coordination staff. The resources target a range of audiences, reflecting the Education Cluster’s role as a forum that brings together, and partners with, different stakeholders to achieve its educational objectives.

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Global Education Cluster, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

