INEE 2019 Annual Report
This INEE 2019 Annual Report is a summary of the network’s many activities and accomplishments, which are organized by INEE’s four strategic priorities and six primary functions: community building, convening, knowledge management, amplifying and advocating, facilitating and learning, and providing.
A shortlist of notable 2019 achievements that you’ll find in this report includes:
- increasing the INEE membership by more than 1,300 new members;
- launching a fully redesigned website (;
- freshening up our logo and visual identity;
- holding our working groups meeting in virtual format for the first time;
- fortifying an education in emergencies learning agenda;
- hosting more than 20 webinars;
- playing a leading role in the first ever Global Refugee Forum, including making four pledges;
- publishing new tools on gender and teacher wellbeing;
- and much, much more!