Elevating Education in Emergencies: The Protective Role of Education in Emergencies

A four-part Series Unpacking Education’s Central Role in Humanitarian Response. The overall purpose of the Elevating Education in Emergencies series is to galvanize increased attention for and prioritization of education in humanitarian responses. While not possible to cover the full breadth of the sector, each of the four meetings over the next two years will highlight one critical issue relevant to education in emergencies professionals working in coordinated humanitarian responses today. - The inaugural session explores one of the many reasons why education is critical, in that it provides essential protection, dignity and development of children and youth in crisis. - The second meeting explores one of the many ways how education in emergencies is being delivered, by looking at innovative methods like cash transfers to support families in prioritising education for their children and youth. - The third meeting focuses on with whom education in emergencies programming engages for more inclusive and accountable interventions, in particular national and local partners. - And finally, the last meeting addresses when education programming is implemented, and the implications for longer term learning outcomes. The inaugural meeting reinforces the important momentum that education in emergencies has garnered, concentrating on the protective role that education plays for children, youth and communities in crisis. By focusing on West Africa, the discussions will highlight a region that has been severely affected by conflict but which is consistently underfunded.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Concept Note


Published by

Global Education Cluster


Adolescents and Youth
Education and Fragility