ECE Accelerator Toolkit

This global toolkit supports the inclusion and strengthening of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in the context of Education Sector Planning (ESP) processes.

This toolkit aims to:

  • Support countries in consultatively developing and mainstreaming evidence-based, Early Childhood Education (ECE) subsector plans into the broader education sector plans and budgets; and
  • Build capacity in basic ECE data analysis, prioritization, planning, and costing for enhanced overall subsector development.

Conceptual guidance documents on Education Sector Analysis (ESA) and Education Sector Planning (ESP) already exist (either for the education sector as a whole or specific to ECE). This toolkit supports countries with operationalizing such existing guidance to integrate and strengthen ECE within the Education Sector Planning (ESP) cycle.

Although the framing for this toolkit is the Education Sector Planning (ESP) cycle, the tools in the toolkit may be used beyond the context of sector planning, to support other analysis and planning processes – for example, for a funding/grant opportunity; for guiding a subsector reform; for informing ECE policy or legislation; for advocacy purposes; etc.

Resource Info

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Published by

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Education Sector Planning
Levels of Learning - Early Childhood Development