Disability Inclusion in Education in Emergencies Roundtable Discussion: Reflections and case studies from INEE Inclusive Education Task Team members

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the huge inequalities in access to quality education that children with disabilities were already facing. Systemic inequalities in education were amplified by the pandemic, and children with disabilities experienced increased exclusion, marginalisation, poverty and vulnerability as a result. Children with disabilities are most at risk of dropping out of school as a result of the pandemic.

However, the pandemic also represents a real opportunity to address weak and exclusive education systems, with a focus on strengthening institutional frameworks and educational capacity and using inclusive and multi-sectoral strategies. These strategies must not only address the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on schools and learners, but also build their resilience to future health crises and other shocks.

The objectives of this webinar are to:

  • Share testimonies and case studies on inclusive education projects for children with disabilities implemented during the pandemic; and
  • Share more about INEE’s Inclusive Education Task Team members and our work with the wider INEE community.

Webinar Recording

Resource Info

Resource Type

INEE Webinar


Published by

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Inclusive Education