Commentary: Fishing in the Desert: Empowering Sustainable Development through Higher Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp

In this commentary, Paul O’Keeffe speaks with Dieu Merci Luundo, the founder of Vijana Twaweza Youth Club in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp. Luundo discusses how he translated his courses on human rights and global health, which he took at the University of Geneva in Kakuma, into community action. What began with Luundo’s lone effort to raise fish in a small pond and grow vegetables in a modest garden, Vijana Twaweza Youth Club has grown in membership and scope to become an internationally recognized, award-winning program in the fight against climate change and poor nutrition in Kakuma.


Resource Info

Resource Type

Journal Article


Published by

Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE)

Authored by

Dieu Merci Luundo, interviewed by Paul O’Keeffe


Adolescents and Youth
Climate Change
Food and Nutrition

Geographic Focus
