Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE): A Contextualised Approach

The Assessment of life skills and values in East Africa (ALiVE) is an initiative of the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI), through the Values and Life Skills Thematic Cluster. In this 3-year initiative, 20 civil society organizations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda are collaborating to: 1) Develop open-sourced contextualized assessment tools; 2) Generate large-scale evidence through a household-based assessment of adolescents (13-17 years); 3) Inform policy decisions and public awareness to focus on supporting the development of values and life skills; and 4) Develop local assessment capacities and amplify East Africa’s voice on the regional and global platforms. The initiative has prioritized the measurement of four competencies across the three countries: Self-awareness, Problem-solving, Collaboration and Respect.

The purpose of this webinar was to: 

  • Give participants the opportunity to hear about the ALiVE initiative in depth; 
  • Share the findings of the ethnographic studies that aimed at gathering a contextualized operational definition of the selected life skills and values; 
  • Illustrate the ongoing process of tools development with a focus on exploring the lessons that may have been learnt in the process of developing a contextualized assessment framework.

Webinar Recording

Click here to read an accompanying blog.

Resource Info

Resource Type

INEE Webinar


Published by

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Learning Assessment
Social and Emotional Learning

Geographic Focus

Region: East Africa