Recurso Pandemia de COVID-19: Impacto en la educación y respuestas en materia de políticas Debido a la COVID-19, el 85 % de los alumnos no asiste a las escuelas porque están cerradas. Si los países actúan con rapidez, pueden reformar los sistemas de educación después de la pandemia, de modo de estar mejor preparados para afrontar crisis futuras.
Recurso COVID-19 et l’éducation : les mesures à prendre pour faire face aux chocs En raison de la pandémie, 85 % des élèves et des étudiants dans le monde ne vont plus à l’école. En agissant rapidement, les pays pourront reconstruire en mieux leurs systèmes éducatifs, en faisant en sorte qu’ils soient plus armés face aux chocs futurs.
Recurso Supporting teachers in back-to-school efforts: Guidance for policy-makers This document provides guidance to policy-makers on measures to support teachers and education staff when schools reopen, during and after the COVID-19 crisis
Recurso Exploring the Enforceability of Refugees’ Right to Education: A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights Treaties Authors Sarah Horsch Carsley and S. Garnett Russell identify why the three treaties that address refugees’ right to education are among the least enforceable in international human rights law.
Recurso The Emerging Role of Corporate Actors as Policymakers in Education in Emergencies: Evidence from the Syria Refugee Crisis Authors Zeena Zakharia and Francine Menashy suggest that a surge in corporate support of refugee education has increased the private authority of corporate actors in education in emergencies policy spaces.
Notícias How are countries addressing the Covid-19 challenges in education? A snapshot of policy measures Close to 80% of the world’s student population – 1.3 billion children and youth – is affected by school closures in 138 countries. Taken as a measure to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, some of these closures are recent, in others they have already been in place for months.
Recurso دور مؤسسات التعليم الحكومية في ضمان استمرارية التعليم خلال حالات الطوارئ في قطاع غزة تهدف الدراسة الي التعرف على دور المؤسسات التعليمية لضمان استمرارية التعليم في حالات الطوارئ في قطاع غزة. بالاضافة الي توضيح بعض الاجراءات المقترحة لضمان استمرارية التعليم أثناء الأحداث الطارئة وبصورة خاصة تعرض العالم باكملة بما فيه قطاع غزة الانتشار فايروس كورونا واعتباره وباء عالمي.
Recurso The role of government education institutions in ensuring continuity of education during emergency situations in Gaza Strip This paper discusses the different roles played by public education institutions to ensure continuity of education during emergencies in Gaza Strip, in addition to the explanation some of the proposed solutions and means to guarantee the educational process.
Recurso Guidance note on developing a crisis-sensitive teacher policy The initiative intends to complement teacher policy development with the key provisions needed to ensure that a teacher policy will also be a crisis-sensitive policy.
Recurso Note d’orientation sur l’élaboration d’une politique enseignante adaptée aux situations de crise Dans cette optique, s’appuyant sur son approche de partenariat, l’initiative entend compléter l’élaboration des politiques relatives aux enseignants par les dispositions clés nécessaires pour s’assurer que ces dernières soient également adaptées aux situations de crise.