Recurso Aprender Jugando El siguiente paquete es una colección de juegos que responden a la situación actual de crisis por COVID-19, el cual será compartido con los y las docentes y padres de familia de las comunidades de los centros educativos en los que trabaja el proyecto de USAID Asegurando la Educación.
Recurso Supporting teachers in back-to-school efforts: Guidance for policy-makers This document provides guidance to policy-makers on measures to support teachers and education staff when schools reopen, during and after the COVID-19 crisis
Blogue The Emergency at our Doorstep: Expanding the Reach of Education in Emergencies On how educators in the global North can benefit from the guidance, standards, support, and experience of the education in emergencies sector.
Recurso Education during Emergency Plan This plan is mainly designed for learning and teaching environment continuity during the COVID19 and aim to develop an interactive distant learning and media channeled approaches to ensure learning continuity for all public school students during emergency, ensure accessibility and keep stimulating innovative practices and continuous improvement on long term to sustain those approaches.
Recurso Promising practices for equitable remote learning: Emerging lessons from COVID-19 education responses in 127 countries Using data on access to technology from household surveys (MICS and DHS) and information on national education responses to school closures gathered from UNICEF education staff in over 120 countries, this brief explores potential promising practices for equitable remote learning.
Recurso EI Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions With schools and education institutions closed in a majority of countries, there are critical issues for governments to take into consideration, as countries gradually begin to re-open early childhood institutions, schools and higher education institutions.
Recurso Directives de l’IE pour la réouverture des écoles et des établissements scolaires Alors qu'un nombre croissant de pays envisagent un assouplissement du confinement et la reprise de l'éducation en présentiel, l'Internationale de l'Education met en évidence cinq orientations dont les gouvernements doivent tenir compte lorsqu’ils planifient, en concertation avec les éducateur·rice·s et leurs syndicats, la phase suivante de leur réponse à la crise liée au COVID-19 dans l’éducation.
Recurso Overview of emerging country-level response to providing continuity under COVID-19: What steps are being taken to reach the most disadvantaged students during the period of Covid-19 school closure? This report provides a rapid summary of country-level responses to the management of school closures in 2020, with a focus on the needs of disadvantaged students and the role of technology.
Recurso What are the lessons learned from supporting education for marginalised girls that could be relevant for EdTech responses to COVID-19 in lower- and middle-income countries? This report provides a rapid evidence summary of the impact of school closures on marginalised girls and presents strategies which involve elements of education technology to mitigate these negative impacts.
Recurso Are our Children Learning? The Status of Remote-learning among School-going Children in Kenya during the Covid-19 Crisis Since we know that data equals information and evidence, which is powerful in informing intervention, we went out to collect data on the status of remote learning among school-going children across the country.