Blogue ECW anuncia una nueva contribución de 1 millón de USD a la INEE La nueva subvención del Mecanismo de Aceleración "La educación no puede esperar" a la INEE ampliará el impacto colectivo para mejorar los resultados educativos de los niños y niñas afectados por crisis.
Blogue ECW annonce un nouveau financement de 1 million USD à l’INEE La nouvelle subvention du dispositif d'accélération d’Éducation Sans Délai à l’INEE accordée à l’INEE permettra d'intensifier l'impact collectif afin d'améliorer les résultats scolaires des enfants touchés par une situation de crise.
Blogue ECW anuncia novo investimento de US$ 1 milhão para a INEE O novo subsídio do Mecanismo de Aceleração do fundo A Educação Não Pode Esperar (Education Cannot Wait) para a INEE ampliará o impacto coletivo para melhorar os resultados educacionais de crianças afetadas por crises.
Blogue إطلاق مجموعة مرجعية جديدة: مشاركة أعضاء الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ ببالغ السرور، تُعلن الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ عن تأسيس وإطلاق مجموعة مرجعية جديدة حول مشاركة الأعضاء.
Blogue Introducing the INEE Member Engagement Reference Group INEE is pleased to announce the formation and launch of a new reference group on Member Engagement!
Blogue Presentación del Grupo de Referencia sobre Participación de los Miembros de la INEE ¡La INEE se complace en anunciar la formación y puesta en marcha de un nuevo grupo de referencia sobre la participación de los miembros!
Recurso The Missing Piece: Secondary Education in Crisis Contexts This webinar presented the key findings, gaps, and tensions that define the state of secondary education in emergencies to better understand the different and intersecting factors that influence accessibility to and the quality of secondary education.
Notícias Mexico: Families without food and children out of school two weeks after Hurricane Otis Thousands of families in southwest Mexico are without food and water two weeks after a massive hurricane took the country by surprise and about 185,000 children are out of school, with rebuilding expected to take at least 10 years, Save the Children said.
Recurso Child Protection Risks in Emergencies A comic strip describing child protection risks in humanitarian settings.
Recurso “Tanks on the Playground” Attacks on Schools and Military Use of Schools in Ukraine This report documents attacks on schools and military use of schools and kindergartens in the Kyivska, Kharkivska, Chernihivska, and Mykolaivska regions, including the cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Chernihiv, from February through November 2022