Recurso Guidelines and Toolkit for a Diagnosis of the Education in Emergencies Data Ecosystem The guidelines and toolkit aim to strengthen EiE institutional system data. More specifically, they aim to generate a diagnosis of the EiE data ecosystem at a given point in time, mainly by evaluating the opportunities for integrating humanitarian EiE data systems with development and national institutional education information systems.
Recurso توجيه المتعلم نحو تحوّل أكبر ملخص جديد من الايني يستكشف نظريات وممارساتالتعلّم التحويليّ وتأثيرها على رفاهية الأطفال في مرحلة ما قبل التعليم والمرحلة الابتدائية وعمليات تعلمهم خلال الأزمات. كما يُقدم أساليب تدريس قائمة على الإبداع ويؤكد أهمية الإبداع في تحقيق التعلم التحويلي
Recurso Centering the Learner for Greater Transformation This brief explores theory and practice on transformative education approaches and their effects on pre-primary and primary-age children’s wellbeing and learning processes in crises. It also introduces creativity-based pedagogies and emphasizes creativity’s importance in achieving transformative learning.
Recurso Centrarse en el estudiante para una mayor transformación Este informe explora la teoría y la práctica de los enfoques educativos transformadores y sus efectos en el bienestar de la niñez en edad preescolar y primaria y en los procesos de aprendizaje en situaciones de crisis. También presenta las pedagogías basadas en la creatividad y subraya la importancia de la creatividad para lograr un aprendizaje transformador.
Recurso Se centrer sur l'apprenant pour une plus grande transformation Cette note de l’INEE explore la théorie et la pratique des approches éducatives transformatrices et leurs effets sur le bien-être et les processus d'apprentissage en situation de crise des enfants en âge préscolaire et primaire. Elle présente également les pédagogies fondées sur la créativité et souligne l'importance de la créativité dans la réalisation d'un apprentissage transformateur.
Recurso Focar-se nas e nos estudantes para maior transformação Este novo documento estratégico da INEE explora a teoria e a prática das abordagens de educação transformadora e seus efeitos sobre o bem-estar e os processos de aprendizagem de crianças em idade pré-primária e primária em situações de crise. Ele também apresenta pedagogias baseadas na criatividade e enfatiza a importância da criatividade para uma aprendizagem transformadora.
Recurso Build Forward Better 2023 For the third consecutive year, Save the Children has ranked 182 countries by the vulnerability of their school system to hazards that threaten children’s right to learn and against levels of preparedness to those hazards.
Notícias Sudan: Humanitarian Key Messages (November 2023) “About 19 million children are awaiting schools to re-open. For children, education is about more than the right to learn. Schools can protect children from the physical dangers around them – including abuse, exploitation, and recruitment into armed groups. Schools serve as centres for multiple services.
Recurso Guidance on Anticipatory Action in Education The purpose of this document is to explain how Save the Children’s approach to Anticipatory Action can be applied to our education programming.
Recurso Retelling education in emergencies through the black radical tradition: on racial capitalism, critical race theory and fugitivity The paper, adopting my roles as a scholar and aid practitioner, critically examines the EiE sector through three Black Radical Tradition (BRT) lenses: racial capitalism, critical race theory, and fugitivity. It employs case studies, aligning with the BRT’s interconnected focus, revealing the pervasive influence of educational aid, racial injustice, and structural inequalities.