Recurso Relatório de Monitoramento Global de EPT 2009: Superando Desigualdades: por que a governança é importante Desde o ano 2000, quando a comunidade internacional fez suas promessas em Dacar, foram registrados progressos significativos em direção a alguns dos objetivos de EPT. Alguns dos países mais pobres do mundo demonstraram que liderança política e políticas práticas fazem diferença. Entretanto, se forem mantidas as mesmas práticas, não será possível alcançar os objetivos de Dacar.
Recurso Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’EPT 2009: Vaincre l’inégalité: l’importance de la gouvernance Des progrès remarquables ont été accomplis vers la réalisation de certains des objectifs de l’EPT depuis que la communauté internationale a pris ses engagements à Dakar en 2000. Certains des pays les plus pauvres du monde ont démontré que le leadership politique et les politiques pratiques font la différence.
Recurso EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009: Overcoming inequality - why governance matters This report identifies deep and persistent disparities based on income, gender, location, ethnicity and other markers for disadvantage as a major barrier to progress in education. Inequity in education is linked to wider disparities in the distribution of power, wealth and opportunity.
Recurso Informe de Seguimiento de la EPT en el Mundo 2009: Superar la desigualdad: por qué es importante la gobernanza Se han logrado avances notables hacia la consecución de algunos de los objetivos de la EPT, desde que la comunidad internacional se comprometió a alcanzarlos en el Foro Mundial sobre la Educación celebrado el año 2000 en Dakar.
Recurso تقرير الرصد العالمي للتعليم للجميع 2009: التغلب على عدم المساواة - لماذا تعتبر الحوكمة مهمة This report identifies deep and persistent disparities based on income, gender, location, ethnicity and other markers for disadvantage as a major barrier to progress in education. Inequity in education is linked to wider disparities in the distribution of power, wealth and opportunity.
Recurso INEE Minimum Standards Contextualized for Community Based Education in Afghanistan The INEE Minimum Standards contextualized to the situation of community-based education in Afghanistan. These standards are to be used by community-based education providers to guide their work in communities.
Recurso An Evaluation of the INEE Minimum Standards in Uganda The present report contains the findings of a study undertaken in 2008, which examined the current levels of awareness, utilization, institutionalization, and impact of the INEE Minimum Standards in Uganda.
Recurso Impacts of Disasters on the Education Sector in Lao PDR These studies on impacts of disasters on the education sector builds an evidence-based rationale to raise awareness on integrating DRR concerns into education policies, programmes and plans and to advocate for changing practices in school construction especially in incorporating disaster risk resilient features in new school construction.
Recurso Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in the Education Sector in the Philippines The project was designed with the primary focus to assist the Ministry of Education in three countries to implement a Priority Implementation Partnership to undertake integration of DRR into the secondary school curriculum and to promote resilient construction of new schools using research on the past impact of disasters on the education sector.