Evento L'impact de la COVID-19 et de la fermeture des écoles sur la protection des enfants et les inégalités en matière d'éducation dans les situations humanitaires : Recommandations sur les Actions à mener Tout au long de l'année 2021, une recherche participative centrée sur l'enfant a été menée par des équipes de recherche nationales en Colombie, au Liban et en République démocratique du Congo. L'objectif de l'étude était de mieux comprendre l'impact de la fermetures des écoles sur le bien-être des enfants, leur protection et les inégalités en matière d'éducation. Rejoignez-nous pour écouter l'équipe de recherche qui vous fera part de leurs principales conclusions de l'étude et recommandations.
Recurso الدورة العالمية عبر الإنترنت للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ تم تصميم هذه الدورة لتزويد موظفي اليونيسف بالمعرفة والمهارات الأساسية الخاصة بالتعليم في حالات الطوارئ.
Recurso Education in Emergencies Global Online Course This course is designed to provide UNICEF staff with foundational knowledge and skills relating to education in emergencies. The course was originally designed by ESARO, the content has been utilized and updated from existing content from EiE capacity development training (such as for Frontline Responders, INEE Minimum Standards, Risk-Informed Programming, and others) in a comprehensive manner.
Recurso Curso Mundial en línea de Educación en Situaciones de Emergencia Este curso está diseñado para proporcionar al personal de UNICEF conocimientos y habilidades fundamentales en relación con la educación
Recurso Cours en ligne à l'échelle mondiale sur l'éducation en situations d'urgence Ce cours est conçu pour fournir au personnel de l'UNICEF des compétences de base relatives à l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence.
Recurso Safe and Learning in the Midst of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence : A World Bank Group Approach Paper This approach paper lays out the World Bank’s policy approach for how to deliver education services so that children are safe and learning.
Recurso Emerging Research from the E-Cubed Research Fund: Partnerships in Education in Emergencies INEE and Dubai Cares are pleased to share the recording of a webinar on Partnerships in Education in Emergencies.
Notícias Education in Emergencies featured at first European Humanitarian Forum The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies hosted an online Humanitarian Talk as part of the first ever European Humanitarian Forum, held in Brussels 21-23 March.
Notícias A holistic approach to security: The impact of education – Interview with Yasmine Sherif As the world continues to evolve, new threats challenge our security: climate change, gender inequality, armed conflicts and more, no longer restricted to national borders. Hence, security needs to be understood not only as the absence of physical danger. We need to leave the realist theorist approach behind and consider the human, economic, and environmental dimensions of it.
Recurso Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 8, Number 1 In this editorial note, JEiE Editor-in-Chief Dana Burde and Senior Managing Editor Heddy Lahmann introduce the key themes, trends, and novel contributions to evidence on education in emergencies offered in JEiE Volume 8, Number 1.