
Protection of the Right to Education in East DRC

Organized by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
25 March 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm (UTC)
Protecting Education from Attack
Right to Education
Geographic Focus
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The increasing deterioration of security in the DRC means that 2.8 million people are now in acute need, 2 out of 3 children are left unprotected and uneducated, and they are exposed to multiple life-threatening risks (physical violence, recruitment by armed forces, abduction, forced labor, forced marriage, early pregnancy and GVB). Only 30% of educational needs are met, and there is an 84% shortfall in funding. When schools are not being used by armed forces or attacked, they serve as temporary shelters for displaced people, putting further pressure on access capacity.

This participatory webinar aims to :

  • Raise awareness of the situation in Eastern DRC; how it affects education and, in particular, the realization of the right to education. 
  • Support INEE members and the strengthening of the ESU community, by listening to and connecting with key players in education (e.g. Education Cluster, GCPEA, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, INEE, etc.).

In this webinar, we will hear from speakers on the current situation in Eastern DRC, its impact on education and protection, the Safe School Declaration, the right to education and opportunities for pedagogical continuity, and a needs analysis. We will listen to testimonies and discuss needs and possible solutions to support education in Eastern DRC. This participatory webinar aims to give visibility to the current crisis and give you a voice as INEE members.

During this webinar, we will have the honor of listening to: 

  • Alison Joyner, consultant, EiE and Child Protection expert
  • Gilberte Amari, coordinator of Education Cluster in DRC
  • Mariam Touré, Regional Humanitarian Advocacy Advise, Save The Children, member of GCPEA
  • Sandra Maignant,Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed groups (CAFAG) Advisor and co-lead of Task Team at Plan International
  • Isaac Mihonya, coordinator of the de organization Action pour la Restauration de la Paix et la Justice ARPJ
  • Jonas Habimana, Executive Director of NGO BIFERD
  • Edmond Shamba, Education Manager at DRC

If you have any questions about this event, please write to francais@inee.org.