Financing for Education
The INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility held the INEE Policy Roundtable on Education Finance in States Affected by Fragility from 27-28 October in Brussels, Belgium. The event was generously hosted by the European Commission (EC), and supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The Policy Roundtable brought together a diverse group of experts and practitioners – donors, UN and NGO professionals, and researchers/academics – from education and other sectors and aimed to satisfy the following objectives:
- To review existing and new, innovative financing modalities for education in situations of fragility and chronic crises to determine how these modalities can better respond to the challenges faced by the sector, including the most effective mix and phasing of modalities
- To draw upon experience and knowledge of financing modalities in other sectors and cross-sectoral linkages between education and other sectors to develop lessons learnt and improvements to financing modalities for education in fragile states
- To develop advocacy strategies and targeted policy recommendations on the use of different existing and emerging new aid modalities to effectively support the provision of education in situations of fragility
Agenda Overview
Day One:
The event opened with a presentation on the INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility and the terminology, concepts, and contexts associated with education and fragility. This was followed by a discussion of the INEE Framing Paper: Education Finance in States Affected by Fragility, written by Laura Brannelly and Susy Ndaruhutse from the CfBT Education Trust. Breakout groups then reviewed lessons learned and discussed strategic recommendations, which were shared with all participants at the end of the afternoon. Day One ended with a reception for all Policy Roundtable participants, supported by the Academy for Educational Development (AED).
Day Two:
On Day Two, participants reviewed lessons learned from the day before, followed by an expert panel discussion determined by conclusions from the previous day on education financing in states affected by fragility. Day Two came to a close with a plenary discussion and the clarification and recording of specific recommendations, accompanying action points, and next steps to be taken forward by INEE, the INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility and partners.
INEE would like to thank the European Commission (EC) for hosting this event. INEE also thanks the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Government of Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for additional support.
Framing Paper
Outcome Report
To download the Policy Roundtable Outcome Report, please click here.