"INEE in 30 Minutes" - events in all languages!
Are you new to INEE?
Have you been curious about how to engage with other members and activities?
Would you like to learn more about INEE working groups and other network spaces?
Then join an upcoming “INEE in 30 Minutes” web event!
In just a half an hour, you will get a clear overview of the network, including its history, priorities, functions, members, structures, tools, activities, and, very importantly, how you can engage with all of this. There will also be time to ask any questions you may have.
We are offering these short web events in all five INEE languages - Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. All INEE members and interested parties are welcome to attend these live sessions.
Mark your calendar and attend the “INEE in 30 Minutes” session(s) of your choice!
- English - 21 September 2023, 10AM UTC
Zoom link to join: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/96896018378?pwd=WWdUamczM1U5VE84SWlLUS94VUdXZz09
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- English - 21 September 2023, 3PM UTC
Zoom link to join: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/99848770519?pwd=dHpWaEU1S0VzdENEOUJGeCtFY3JjZz09
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- A REPROGRAMMER- Suite à un problème technique- Français - 20 septembre 2023, 9AM UTC
Lien direct d'accès: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/93763696965?pwd=YS9uakRUNXZPcEtzM2NOZDh2YUU0Zz09
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- Français - 20 septembre 2023, 3PM UTC *ATTENTION NOUVEAU LIEN*
Lien direct d'accès: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/97300125337?pwd=TmJWV1BuNVpWMHZSdFY3S0Nkc2dHZz09
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- español - 2 de octubre de 2023, 1PM UTC
Enlace de acceso directo: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/96252346152?pwd=S1lPOW1RbCtkb0RYSDg3VmRySUZPUT09
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- português - 18 de setembro de 2023, 3PM UTC
Link de acesso direto: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/97996433385?pwd=UHI3YzlhNkQzeXhUK3BwS25OYkxidz09
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- Arabic - 2 October 2023, 6AM UTC
Zoom link to join: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/92784613703?pwd=dm0wZ3ZwOHR1V1JNNzlTRURXTGRHQT09
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- Arabic - 4 October 2023, 12PM UTC
Zoom link to join: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/98247094030?pwd=S3k3WEZRZ3VYV0NFQ25OU3I4bzJldz09
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- Arabic - 16 October 2023, 6AM UTC
Zoom link to join: https://rescue.zoom.us/j/95740493865?pwd=RzhMNHYvZzZSQ0o5SjJHaUM0T3lyUT09
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N.B. No registration is required and the sessions will not be recorded.
If you are unavailable to join one of these sessions, don’t worry! We will offer “INEE in 30 minutes” events on a regular basis and when demand is great. Stay tuned to INEE email, website, and social media channels for details.
If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].