Highlight: INEE financial partnerships

Education Financing

With the recent official launch of the INEE Strategic Framework 2018-2023, we are pleased to announce two key partnerships in support of this framework. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) have agreed to provide financial support of INEE’s strategic priorities and activities.

The following provides an overview of these complementary partnerships:

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)  
Grant Period: 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2021SDC Logo

SDC’s support represents a three-year strategic partnership between SDC and INEE. This partnership allows the network to carry out a wide variety of projects and activities that are aligned with the priorities of the INEE Strategic Framework and the INEE Working Groups. Funds also support Southern membership engagement, capacity building activities, and a new senior level staff position based in Geneva within the INEE Secretariat, which will strengthen the network’s engagement in global policy dialogue, advocacy, and thought leadership globally.


Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)
Grant period: 1 December 2018 - 31 December 2020NORAD Logo

Norad’s support enables the network to deliver on the INEE Strategic Framework. Fund from this grant support a new Capacity Building position within the INEE Secretariat, as well as a variety of activities related to capacity development, including: developing and implementing INEE’s capacity development system and strategy; organizing and facilitating professional development opportunities; harmonizing, updating, and disseminating INEE training resources; and organizing and coordinating a roster of trainers available to respond to training needs for INEE members around the globe.  


INEE is grateful for these important contributions and looks forward to sharing further information as the funded initiatives come to life.