Behind the Pages Podcast - JEiE Vol. 5 Special Issue on Refugees and Education, Part I
The Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) presents an exciting new season of its podcast, Behind the Pages. Six new episodes are now live!
We speak with authors from the first part of our Special Issue on Refugees and Education about the latest research and important developments in the field of refugee education. These dynamic conversations complement the articles and reveal backstories that you will only hear on the podcast!
This season on Behind the Pages, JEiE authors discuss their work on refugee education in a variety of regions and contexts. We hear how a participatory approach to designing a higher education program helped expand access in Syria, we analyze the development of education programming on offer to students in Dadaab and Kakuma and for Palestinian refugees, and we learn how Colombian refugee families negotiate bureaucratic structures to enroll their students in school in Ecuador -- and many other fascinating insights and stories you don’t want to miss!
Listen in as we interview JEiE’s writers and researchers to discuss innovative approaches and the progress and challenges of delivering education to some of the most underrepresented populations across the globe. Behind the Pages is available to stream in English from Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts. The articles discussed in this series can be accessed, for free, in their entirety at:
Behind the Pages is hosted by Nathan Thompson and produced by Gabrielle Galanek. JEiE and Behind the Pages are supported by INEE and New York University. Generous support for this podcast has been provided by the Open Society Foundations.