Announcing new INEE Steering Group members
We are pleased to announce the addition of four new members of the INEE Steering Group.
New members in December 2022:
- African Higher Education in Emergencies Network (AHEEN) - Barbara Moser-Mercer
- Porticus - Dieuwerke Luiten
- Plan International - Sadia Abdi Allin
- Tertiary Refugee Student Network (TRSN) - Ella Ininahazwe
Our four new members – selected through an open and transparent application process – complement the high caliber and diversity of the overall group, which includes key education in emergencies actors from UN agencies, NGOs, networks and donors.
Please join us in welcoming these new members!
Continuing members:
- Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) -Helen Dabu
- Education Cannot Wait - Graham Lang (Ex Officio member)
- International Rescue Committee - Jennifer Sklar (Co-chair)
- Nile Hope - Simon Buony
- Swiss Agency for Development - Corinne Duriaux
- UNESCO - Yayoi Segi-Vltchek
- UNHCR - Jennifer Roberts
- UNICEF - Linda Jones (Co-chair)
- USAID - Julia Johna
Visit the INEE website to learn more about the new members and to read the bios of all of the Steering Group members.
We take this opportunity also to acknowledge the tremendous commitment and work of two outgoing Steering Group members – Dubai Cares, represented by Annina Mattsson, Dana Amro, and Mada Al Suwaidi, and Finn Church Aid, represented by Jouni Hemberg – who provided invaluable leadership to the network during the past six years.
The INEE Steering Group is responsible for setting goals and plans for the network and providing strategic direction to the INEE Director and the Secretariat. Steering Group members are senior representatives of organizations actively engaged in education in emergencies. All Steering Group members have equal status in the group, and no member may make decisions for INEE in their own individual capacity. Steering Group organizations support INEE with monetary and in-kind contributions. In addition to attending two Steering Group meetings per year, representatives give substantial time reviewing and providing strategic input into INEE activities throughout the year.