Quinta Fuanya Alemanjoh
Term: March 2024 - February 2026
Quinta Fuanya Alemanjoh is one of three INEE Country Focal Points in Cameroon. She has a Bachelor’s degree from University of Buea and Accounting Qualification from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). Currently she is the Executive Director of Queen Fogang Foundation (QFF), a non governmental organization in Cameroon, and in her role she oversees the general operations, finances, and programs.
As a leader and a coordinator, she has carried out successful interventions amidst the emergency context of Cameroon and helped transform abandoned education systems in hard to reach areas to adaptable and conducive learning environments. To ensure continued learning, Quinta created temporary learning spaces in severe conflict communities. She has also held other strategic positions, which include being a Gender Focal Person for Cameroon Education Cluster and Focal person on Attacks on Education. Quinta is Cameroonian and speaks English.
Email: quinta.alemanjoh@inee.org