Ousmane Kola Amane
Term: March 2024 - February 2026
Ousmane Kola Amane is the INEE Country Focal Point for Chad. He has a Master’s degree in French Literature Studies. He is currently working on a Ph.D thesis in Comparative Literature through the University of Ngaoundéré in Cameroon and has authored a number of scientific papers and articles related to the Francophonie, literature, and education in emergencies. He was also a cultural promoter of the Francophonie in Eastern Chad through Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in 2018. Previously, he was Post-secondary Education Supervisor and IT Facilitator for 5 years, and a French as a foreign language (FLE) teacher for a year with JRS in the Iriba Sub-Delegation (Eastern Chad). Currently Kola is an Education Officer at Enfants du Monde (EdM) in the Ouaddaï province in Chad. Kola is Chadian and speaks French, English, and some Arabic.
Email: [email protected]