Resource Studying Under Fire: Attacks on Schools, Military Use of Schools during the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine This report documents attacks on schools on both sides of the line of contact and the use of schools by both sides for military purposes, which has turned schools into legitimate military targets.
Resource Guide to Implementing the Principles of State Responsibility to Protect Higher Education from Attack In response to a growing crisis of attacks on higher education communities worldwide, GCPEA conducted a wide-ranging consultation with representatives of higher education networks and associations from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas to understand the causes and consequences of such attacks and to identify measures to increase protection.
Resource Ce que les ministères de l’éducation peuvent faire pour protéger l’éducation des attaques et les écoles d’une utilisation militaire : Un éventail d’actions L’Éventail d’actions se veut un outil permettant aux ministères responsables de l’éducation (ci-après « ministères » ou « ministère ») de mieux prévenir les attaques contre l’éducation et de protéger les écoles d’une utilisation militaire, d’atténuer les conséquences des attaques lorsqu’elles sont perpétrées, et enfin d’y répondre.
Resource What Ministries Can Do to Protect Education from Attack and Schools from Military Use: A Menu of Actions This Menu of Actions is intended as a resource to empower personnel of ministries responsible for education to better prevent attacks on education or protect schools from military use, mitigate the impact of attacks when they do occur, and respond to attacks.
Resource Education Under Attack in Syria Testimonies from Syria and attacks on education in the region. In order to protect children and teachers who agreed to be interviewed by Save the Children, names in this report have been changed and exact locations omitted.
Resource إعلان المدارس الآمنة نحن نرحب بالمبادرات الفردية للدول من أجل تعزيزوحماية الحق في التعليم وتسهيل مواصلة التعليم في حالات النزاع المسلح. ومن شأن مواصلة التعليم أن توفر المعلومات الصحية الخاصة بالحفاظ على الحياة وكذلك المشورة بشأن بعض المخاطر في المجتمعات التي تواجه النزاع المسلح.
Resource Safe Schools Declaration The Safe Schools Declaration is an inter-governmental political commitment that provides countries the opportunity to express support for protecting education from attack during times of armed conflict; the importance of the continuation of education during war; and the implementation of concrete measures to deter the military use of schools.
Resource Declaración sobre escuelas seguras Acogemos con beneplácito las iniciativas de los distintos Estados en cuanto a promover y proteger el derecho a la educación y para facilitar la continuidad de la educación en situaciones de conflicto armado. La continuidad de la educación puede proporcionar información sobre salud susceptible de salvarvid
Resource Déclaration sur la sécurité dans les écoles Nous saluons les initiatives prises parcertains États pour promouvoir et protégerle droit à l'éducation et pourfaciliterla continuité de l'éducation dans des situations de conflit armé.Lorsque la continuité de l'éducation est assurée, des informations vitales surla santé ainsi que des conseils surles risques inhérents aux sociétés en proie à un conflit armé peuvent être transmis.
Resource Declaração de Escolas Seguras Acolhemos com satisfação iniciativas de Estados individuais para a promoção e proteção ao direito à educação e para a facilitação da continuidade da educação em situações de conflito armado. A continuidade da educação pode fornecer informações capazes de salvar vidas e oferecer conselhos sobre riscos específicos pelos quais passam sociedades em cenário de conflitos armados.