Blog Concours de rédaction de l’INEE sur l’éducation en situations d’urgence Le concours de rédaction qui faisait partie de la célébration des 10 ans des Normes minimales, à la fin de 2014 avait pour but de partager les connaissances et de sensibiliser plus amplement sur le thème de l’éducation en situations d’urgence.
Blog Concurso sobre Testemunhos de Educação em situações de Emergência O Concurso de Testemunhos decorreu com o intuito de promover a partilha de conhecimento, sensibilizar a população em geral para a importância da Educação em situações de Emergência e em contextos de fragilidade e, ainda, criar uma oportunidade para que as pessoas pudessem partilhar as suas ideias e perspectivas sobre o que a educação significa para elas em tempos de crise.
Resource Notes d'orientation RRMP 2012 - Composante éducation Le RRMP (Rapid Response to Population Movements) correspond à une fusion des programmes RRM et PEAR et vise à maintenir une capacité de veille humanitaire (évaluation) et de réponse rapide aux besoins urgents identifiés suite à un mouvement de population (déplacement /retour) causé par le conflit et/ou une catastrophe naturelle et/ou une épidémie cholera.
Resource Why Certification Matters: A Review of State and non-State actions in Côte d’Ivoire for promoting schooling for the displaced By drawing on the cases of Liberian refugees in Côte d’Ivoire over the period 1992-2007 and the recent experience of primary and secondary students displaced by the Ivorian civil war, this contribution explores the challenges linked to the continuity of education.
Resource L'atelier de formation sur les Normes minimales de l'INEE This adaptation and related roles are differing from the initial Zamborra background note and are different roles in that they feature a situation where peace has just been signed and the camp schools are closing.
Resource People on the Move: Handbook of selected terms and concepts This handbook takes stock of the present use of some selected terms and concepts. It is designed to be accessible to a general public which may not be familiar with the detailed discussions in the field of refugee and migration policy.
Resource Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies In December 2004, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) launched the first global tool to define a minimum level of educational quality and help ensure the right to education for people affected by crises.
Resource Getting Southern Sudanese Children to School The Government of Southern Sudan’s Go to School Initiative, supported by UNICEF, which seeks to get 1.6 million children back in school by the end of 2007, incorporates key elements of the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction.
Resource Education and Conflict: An NGO Perspective NGOs working in education in conflict-affected areas have realised the importance of listening to children, encouraging their genuine participation in programmes and publicising and scaling up the innovations which often arise in the aftermath of war.
Resource Displacement Tracking Matrix The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) gathers and analyzes data to disseminate critical multi layered information on the mobility, vulnerabilities, and needs of displaced and mobile populations that enables decision makers and responders to provide these populations with better context specific assistance.