Resource Ethical Considerations for Evidence Generation Involving Children on the COVID-19 Pandemic This document identifies key ethical considerations (a) when undertaking evidence generation involving children during the mitigation stage of the pandemic (emergency phase) and (b) on subject matter relating to COVID-19 once the pandemic has been contained and containment policy measures, including lockdowns, have been lifted (post-emergency phase).
Resource PLAY @ HOME: Games for Health and Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Outbreak The games contained in this resource are focused specifically on developing a particular set of life skills, related to the COVID-19 crisis, that support children to stay healthy, stay active, take care of themselves and take care of one another, as well as skills for parents/caregivers.
Resource Enabling Teachers: Teacher Professional Development Module: COVID-19 for Teachers This module focuses on the information it is important for you to have as a teacher to stay safe and to think about COVID in the school setting. It also helps you to think about your own wellbeing and feelings during this time and how you might cope.
Resource ضمان كون خطط االستجابة لفيروس كورونا )كوفيد-19 )بقيادة المجتمع المحلي وتراعي الفوارق بين الجنسين وتلبي احتياجات كل الناس، بمن فيهم األكثر احتياجا تثمن مؤسسة CARE الجهود المبذولة من الحكومات ونظام األمم المتحدة للحد من التبعات اإلنسانية والصحية واالجتماعية-االقتصادية لجائحة كوفيد-19 غير المسبوقة التي تؤثر على األفراد والمجتمعات والحكومات في جميع أنحاء العالم.
Resource Ensuring a Covid-19 local-led and gendered response that meets the needs of all people, including those most left behind CARE recognises the efforts of governments and the United Nations (UN) system to minimise the human, health and socio-economic consequences of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic that is impacting individuals, communities and governments across the globe.
Resource Garantizar una respuesta al Covid-19 que sea liderada por actores locales y basada en un enfoque de género que satisfaga las necesidades de todas las personas, incluidas las más marginadas CARE reconoce los esfuerzos de los gobiernos y del sistema de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) para minimizar las consecuencias humanas, de salud y socioeconómicas de la pandemia sin precedente del COVID-19, que afecta a individuos, comunidades y gobiernos de todo el mundo.
Resource Garantir une réponse locale et centrée sur le genre au Covid-19 pour répondre aux besoins de tous, y compris des personnes les plus marginalisées CARE reconnaît l'effort fourni par les gouvernements et les agences onusiennes pour limiter l'impact humain, sanitaire et socioéconomique du Covid-19. Cette pandémie sans précédent atteint les individus, les communautés et les gouvernements dans le monde entier.
Resource Alternate Education Service Delivery COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan This emergency response plan for COVID-19 pandemic has been prepared in order to use the existing resources and capacity of MoE and through various innovative ways, continue the education service delivery to students at their homes.
Blog COVID-19 and school closures: What can countries learn from past emergencies? The education in emergencies community can offer good practices for countries battling COVID-19 where education has been disrupted for a protracted period.
Resource بطلتي أنتِ كيف يمكن للأطفال محاربة كوفيد- 19! بطلتي أنتِ " هو كتاب تم تأليفه للأطفال المتضررين من جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد )كوفيد 19 ( حول العالم.