Resource Guidance on the use of schools for Covid-19 related purposes The IASC-endorsed Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools is clear that the use of schools for Covid-19 related purposes should be avoided.
Event Back to school: Preparing and managing reopening of schools This webinar, the sixth in an ongoing UNESCO series, aims to:e nable information sharing and dialogue around preparing and planning for school reopening; highlight some of the common challenges to anticipate and ways to address them; share lessons learnt from past and ongoing crises which can be useful in the current context
Resource Supporting Teachers in Crisis Contexts during COVID-19 The webinar focused on support to teachers in crisis contexts during COVID-19. Speakers highlighted the needs and challenges facing teachers at this time, shared practical recommendations and examples of how support can be provided, and provided key advocacy messages for championing teachers at this time.
Event Continuing Education without Continuous Connectivity Education has been disrupted on an unprecedented scale, including in countries where connectivity is limited. Many countries which had relatively good connectivity are experiencing reliability issues from exceptionally high demand for bandwidth.
Event Adapting Child Protection Case Management to the COVID-19 Context This webinar will present guidance - including a number of front-line examples - on how to adapt Child Protection Case Management interventions to the new COVID-19 pandemic and better understand the important role of Child Protection actors in the emergency. Presenters will discuss guidance on priority actions to consider in order to continue supporting the most vulnerable cases and to respond to new cases generated by the outbreak.
Event Protection of Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Children and Alternative Care The aim of this webinar is to elaborate on the Technical Note in support of child protection practitioners and government officials in their immediate response to the child protection concerns faced by children who are at risk of separation or in alternative care during COVID-19 pandemic.
Event Evidence in the time of COVID The COVID-19 pandemic has created many immediate and urgent needs for more and better data and evidence about how to protect public health. However, most evidence-generating activities in development have long timelines. How can we shorten timelines for evaluation and synthesis to respond for immediate needs for evidence?
Resource Supporting Families to Help Children Learn and Develop at Home: Tips and Resources during COVID-19 An overview and introduction to key tips and learning resources that families may consider to help their children continue to learn and grow while schools are closed during COVID-19 and an abbreviated set of 12 tips to provide parents and caretakers with a quick guide of suggested ideas and reflections to consider during COVID-19.
Resource Best evidence on supporting students to learn remotely The EEF's rapid evidence assessment examines the existing research (from 60 systematic reviews and meta-analyses) for approaches that schools could use, or are already using, to support the learning of pupils while schools are closed due to Covid-19.
Resource Rapid Response Guidance Note: Educational Television & COVID-19 This note provides guidance on using educational television programming as a form of remote learning to respond to school closures. It is corroborated by more than 40 examples of how countries are currently using television in response to COVID-19.