Resource El Programa Retorno de la Alegría: manuales temáticos - República Dominicana El Retorno a la Alegría es un programa de recuperación psicoafectiva orientado a niñas, niños y adolescentes en situaciones de emergencia o desastre, para reducir la secuela de daños emocionales que puede ocurrir en esa población, fomentar su resiliencia y restablecer su funcionamiento.
Resource Do No Harm: Toward Contextually Appropriate Psychosocial Support in International Emergencies In the aftermath of international emergencies caused by natural disasters or armed conflicts, strong needs exist for psychosocial support on a large scale.
Resource I DEAL Lifeskills Training Modules This series of psychosocial life skills training modules are targeted towards NGOs and CBOs working directly with teacher training. The focus is on providing very practical NFE activities and games to address the needs of children affected by crisis.
Resource Psychosocial Programming after the Emergency Phase: Emergency education programmes in transition INEE Global Presentation 2009 on "Psychosocial Programming after the Emergency Phase: Emergency education programmes in transition"
Resource Mental Health of Children in Palestinian Kindergartens: Resilience and Vulnerability Exposure to adversity does not necessarily lead to the development of psychopathology in all affected children. This study examined the factors associated with resilience and vulnerability in mental health in the Gaza Strip in 2007.
Resource Psychosocial Support Resource Pack This module provides practical information, guidelines, examples and tools to support organisations and key actors to undertake psychosocial support to bring about positive change for children in humanitarian contexts.
Resource Managing Stress in the Field This publication has been conceived as a practical manual. The different types of stress experienced by delegates are described along with the associated symptoms. It highlights the importance of identifying and knowing personal, team and organisational resources.
Resource Psychosocial Interventions: A Handbook This handbook prepared by the International Federation Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (the PS Centre) reflects the increasingly active role that the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement plays in psychosocial responses.
Resource الإرشادات حول الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي النفسي في إعدادات الطوارئ - قائمة تدقيق للاستخدام الميداني الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الإرشادات هو تمكين جهات العمل الإنسانية والمجتمعات من التخطيط وإقامة وتنسيق مجموعة من الاستجابات القطاعية الدنيا لحماية وتحسين الصحة العقلية والرفاه الاجتماعي للأفراد في وسط حالة الطوارئ.
Resource Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings - Checklist for Field Use The primary purpose of these guidelines is to enable humanitarian actors and communities to plan, establish and coordinate a set of minimum multi-sectoral responses to protect and improve people's mental health and psychosocial well-being in the midst of an emergency.