Resource Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies: Synthesis Report and Guidelines In light of the Grand Bargain cash commitment to develop an evidence base for assessing costs, benefits, impacts and risks of CVA, the Global Education Cluster (GEC), with a financial contribution from DG-ECHO and technical support from NORCAP has set out to build evidence around CVA for EiE.
Resource The Abidjan Principles The Abidjan Principles are a reference point for governments, educators and education providers when debating the respective roles and duties of states and private actors in education. They compile and unpack existing legal obligations that States have regarding the delivery of education, and in particular the role and limitations of private actors in the provision of education.
Resource المعاییرالعراقیة الدنیــا للتعلیم اثناء الطواريء تتبع ھذه الوثیقة تنظیم الادوات العالمیة للمعاییر الدنیا للشبكة العالمیة: المجالات ( الفئات) الخمس ومعاییرھا الخاصة بھا، وتتمیز بمیزة ھي ان المعاییر في ھذه الوثیقة مرقمة من ۱-۱۹ . (انظر الخریطة في الصفحة ۸
Resource Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Iraq Based on the INEE Minimum Standards for Education, this contextualized tool defines effective, quality, and inclusive education practices that support the provision of safe, quality, and relevant education for all children and youth in Iraq and surrounding countries.
Resource INEE 2017 Annual Report We are pleased to share with you, in this 2017 Annual Report, a summary of INEE’s many activities and accomplishments, which are organized by the network’s strategic priorities and functions.
Resource Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises The European Commission's 'Communication to the European Parliament and the Council on Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises' outlines its strategy and policies for integrating EIE into its broader humanitarian and development response.
Resource Education in Emergencies Toolkit The EiE Toolkit aims to raise the quality of Save the Children's EiE programmes through providing guidance on how to employ a more systematic and tools-based approach to analysing EiE needs and designing and implementing programmes.
Resource INEE 2016 Annual Report We invite you to read this 2016 Annual Report keeping in mind that the important achievements highlighted here are the result of our collective and cooperative efforts
Resource Embracing Ceremonial Authority: Coordinating Education in Emergencies through the Education Cluster – illustrated by the cases of Mali and Nigeria This study, informed by various sociological neo-institutional approaches, investigates whether a global mechanism such as the cluster approach represents an adequate framework to structuring humanitarian response.
Resource Gender Guidance for the Humanitarian Program Cycle 2018-2020 Delivering humanitarian response that meets the needs of women, girls, boys and men remains a priority for all UN Agencies and their partners. This guidance provides a checklist of essential actions for ensuring equitable participation and fair distribution of humanitarian action at each stage of the Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC).