Resource Promouvoir l'engagement des hommes dans le développement de la petite enfance : un guide de programme et d'influences Ce kit de programmation et d'influence comprend des ressources développées pour les programmes qui visent à accroître l'engagement des hommes dans les soins attentifs et le développement de la petite enfance (DPE), ainsi que dans la santé et le bien-être maternels.
Resource Designing Parenting Programmes This free practical training is designed for people working in Early Childhood Development (ECD) who are responsible for the creation of sustainable and culturally relevant parenting programmes.
Resource Working with Parents of Young Children This free practical training is designed for parents and people working in Early Childhood Development (ECD) who are responsible for the creation and delivery of sustainable and culturally relevant parenting programmes.
Resource موارد ومصادر " أهلا سمسم" This page includes material and activity ideas for young children ages 0-8 that can help them recognize their big emotions, name them, and learn strategies to cope with them in a healthy manner. The resources are sorted by social-emotional topic area.
Resource Ahlan Simsim Resources This page includes material and activity ideas for young children ages 0-8 that can help them recognize their big emotions, name them, and learn strategies to cope with them in a healthy manner. The resources are sorted by social-emotional topic area.
Resource الابوة والامومة اثناء التنقل تم تطوير برنامج " التربية أثناء التنقل (PoM)" بهدف دعم الآباء في حالات الهجرة/اللاجئين لتوفير الظروف اللازمة للسلامة النفسية والقدرة على الصمود والتعليم للأطفال في سن رياض الأطفال وسن المدرسة. يوفر الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي والتعليم والترفيه؛ فهو يشجع التماسك الأسري والتبادل الثقافي.
Resource Parenting on the Move Parenting on the Move (PoM) has been developed with the objective to support parents in situations of migration/refugeehood to provide the conditions for well-being, resilience, and education of children of kindergarten and school age. PoM provides psychosocial support, education, and entertainment; it encourages family cohesion and intercultural exchange.
Resource Analysis of international aid levels for early childhood services in crisis contexts: Key insights This report is a first attempt to estimate current global funding levels towards early childhood development in crisis settings. To better understand the extent to which children and their caregivers in crisis-affected contexts are supported to survive and thrive, donors, decision-makers and advocates should push for increased transparency on, and traceability of, funding for ECDiE.
Resource Parent Manual: Activities for children up to age 3 years This manual provides content that can be shared with parents to support playful interactions for children 0-36 months. The manual was developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the suspension of many programs that involved home visiting or parent groups
Resource Supporting Syrian families displaced by armed conflict: A pilot randomized controlled trial of the Caregiver Support Intervention The Caregiver Support Intervention (CSI) aims to strengthen parenting by lowering stress and improving psychosocial wellbeing among refugee parents, while also increasing knowledge and skill related to positive parenting. We describe the findings of a two-arm pilot randomized controlled trial of the CSI with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The primary aim was to test the feasibility of our study methodology prior to conducting a definitive RCT.