Resource Fathers’ Perceptions of Play: Evidence from the Rohingya Camps In 2020 and 2021, NYU-TIES set out to better understand how parents perceive play in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. This brief highlights some of the most critical findings supported by multiple data sets, focusing in particular on the role of fathers in supporting playful learning and concluding with reflections on how these findings might be valuable for future program implementation and research.
Resource فيها تعليمنا وصحتنا يحتوي هذا المورد على 100 نشاط تعليمي مستجيب للنوع الاجتماعي - مبني على اللعب، حتى يشعر الأطفال بالسعادة ويعزز من تعليم وتطور كل الفتيان والفتيات والبالغين الممارسين للألعاب
Resource Play Opportunities for Wellness and Education Resource This resource contains 100 gender responsive play-based learning activities to make children feel happy and promote learning and development for all boys and girls and adults who play.
Resource Jeux et activités pour le bien-être et l’éducation Cette fiche contient 100 activités d’apprentissage par le jeu sensibles au genre. Elles favorisent la joie, l’apprentissage et le développement des garçons, des filles et des adultes qui y participent.
Resource Teacher Professional Development & Play-based Learning in East Africa: Strengthening Research, Policy, and Practice in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda Drawing on an extensive literature review and numerous key informant interviews with practitioners and policymakers, the report examines the tenets of good teacher professional development (TPD) in humanitarian and development contexts, discusses the challenges to implementing good TPD, and highlights the key actors who influence teachers’ work.
Resource Distance Learning: A guide to playful distance learning - online and offline The LEGO Foundation Distance Learning Guide offers ideas, evidence and links to useful resources and learning communities, to help you make children’s distance learning more playful, engaging, joyful and effective, whether children are learning online or offline.
Resource Learning through play during COVID-19 This web event — part of our COVID-19 webinar series — highlighted how EiE practitioners can use “learning through play” approaches during COVID-19 response and recovery.
Resource الضحك واللعب: ألعاب و تمرينات إبداعية للمراهقين في حالات الأزمات Games and creative exercises for adolescents in crisis settings.
Resource Laughter and Play: Games and creative exercises for adolescents in crisis settings Games and creative exercises for adolescents in crisis settings.
Resource Risas y Juegos - Juegos y ejercicios creativos para adolescentes en situaciones de crisis Los juegos y los ejercicios incluidos en este manual se han creado y adaptado específicamente para adolescentes entre los 10 y los 19 años, que viven en situaciones de emergencia y de crisis prolongada.