Resource COVID-19 crisis: emerging impact on young refugees’ education and wellbeing in the UK This document outlines the emerging impact of the COVID-19 crisis on young refugees’ education and wellbeing in the UK, based on RSN’s direct support work with young refugees in recent weeks. It also details recommendations to central government, local authorities and education stakeholders to help ensure that young refugees’ education and wellbeing is not forgotten during this crisis.
Blog Youth, COVID-19 and Violent Extremism: Let’s Be Proactive The COVID-19 crisis provides governments with an opportunity to simultaneously transform youth-state relations and minimize the appeal of violent extremist organizations. Here’s how.
Resource Educação e Proteção de crianças e adolescentes - Comunidade escolar, família e profissionais da educação e proteção da criança e do adolescente Neste Guia pode encontrar orientações sobre como dicas do que fazer com as crianças e os adolescentes em casa; o que fazer para exigir o direito à alimentação escolar; como proteger a sua saúde e a das crianças e adolescentes, e o que fazer para proteger crianças e adolescentes em situações de vulnerabilidade, riscos ou violências em casa.
Resource Educação e Proteção de crianças e adolescentes - Tomadores de decisão do poder público em todas as esferas federativas Neste Guia pode encontrar recomendações sobre possibilidades de financiamento, garantia de direitos, suspensão das aulas e ao Ensino a Distância, a necessidade de suspensão da Emenda Constitucional 95/2016 (Teto de Gastos) e o que fazer enquanto durar a suspensão das aulas.
Resource JOUER @ LA MAISON : Jeux pour la santé et Le bien-être pendant le COVID-19 En s'appuyant sur les données disponibles à l'époque sur les préoccupations sanitaires et psychosociales des enfants découlant de COVID-19 qui soutient le bien-être psychosocial, le groupe a développé un cadre de compétences qui intègre les deux et les a transformé en messages pour les enfants et les familles.
Resource PLAY @ HOME: Games for Health and Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Outbreak The games contained in this resource are focused specifically on developing a particular set of life skills, related to the COVID-19 crisis, that support children to stay healthy, stay active, take care of themselves and take care of one another, as well as skills for parents/caregivers.
Resource Refugee Students’ Academic Motivation in Displacement: The Case of Kakuma Refugee Camp Author Jihae Cha finds that a sense of belonging at school is the strongest predictor of academic motivation among 664 primary school students living in Kakuma refugee camp.
Resource Save the Children's COVID-19 Program Framework and Guidance This framework represents Save the Children's planning assumptions and priority areas for implementation over four phases of programming: Preparedness, Initial Response, Large-Scale Response, and Recovery. Each phase is defined by the specific scenario in-country (and in-community) and the overall objectives by Phase.
Resource Social Integration in Education in Contexts of Insecurity: Revisiting the Role of the Education Community This study aims to understand the ways schools and their teaching staff try to provide an adequate and safe environment for students, and how the involvement of the education community contributes to the performance of the school and the inclusion of students who live in insecure settings.
Event INEE Round Table: Role of Education & Youth in Preventing Urban Violence & Violent Extremism On 21 October 2015, the INEE Working Group on Education & Fragility hosted a one-day round table event on "The Role of Education and Youth in Preventing Urban Violence and Countering Violent Extremism"