Resource Without capacity, there is no development Against this background, IIEP-UNESCO undertook a wide range of studies on capacity development for achieving EFA. The focus is on educational planning and management because stronger capacities in these areas may have an important spill-over effect on the system as a whole.
Resource Learning to live together: Design, monitoring and evaluation of education for life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights Learning to Live Together: Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Education for Life Skills, Citizenship, Peace and Human Rights. The guide focuses on the theme of ‘learning to live together’, which is one of four competencies identified as important by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century.
Resource Atelier francophone de Renforcement des Capacités sur les Normes minimales de l’INEE Atelier francophone de Renforcement des Capacités sur les Normes minimales de l'INEE, du 3 au 5 juillet 2007 à Grand Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire
Resource Atelier de formation sur les Normes Minimales pour l’Education en Situations d’Urgence, de Crise chronique et de début de Reconstruction Un atelier de formation sur les Normes Minimales pour l’Education en Situations d’Urgence, de Crise chronique et de début de Reconstruction s’est tenu à Lokossa, en République du Bénin, du 22 au 25 mai 2007.
Resource Atelier de Formation sur les Normes minimales de l’INEE en Brazzaville, République du Congo Un atelier de formation sur les Normes minimales de l’INEE d’un jour a été organisé à Brazzaville, République du Congo, à l’initiative du HCR et de l’INEE le 2 avril 2007 dans la salle de conférence du HCR.
Resource Practical Tips for Teaching Large Classes: A Teacher's Guide Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments, Specialized Booklet 2 Practical Tips for Teaching Large Classes: A Teachers Guide The UNESCO publication Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments (ILFE) offers a holistic, practical means to make schools and classrooms more inclusive, learning friendly and gender-sensitive
Resource Education in Emergencies: A tool kit for starting and managing education in emergencies This brief provides an overview of how teacher training is different in emergencies; who is trained; the timeframe for training; and the forms of, methodology and content for training. It also lays out 4 practical steps to follow in planning effective training for teachers.