Resource Vers une réponse au COVID19 inclusive des personnes handicapées : 10 recommandations de l’Alliance internationale pour les personnes en situation de handicap En réaction à la pandémie de COVID19 et de son impact disproportionné sur les personnes en situation de handicap, l’Alliance internationale pour les personnes handicapées (IDA) a dressé la liste suivante des principaux obstacles auxquels font face les personnes en situation de handicap lors de cette situation d’urgence, ainsi que quelques solutions et recommandations pratiques.
Resource Rumo a uma resposta ao COVID19 inclusiva para as pessoas com deficiência: 10 recomendações da International Disability Alliance No contexto da pandemia do COVID19 e do seu impacto desproporcionado sobre as pessoas com deficiência, a International Disability Alliance (IDA) compilou a seguinte lista das principais barreiras que as pessoas com deficiência enfrentam nesta situação de emergência, juntamente com algumas soluções e recomendações práticas.
News RET Receives ZERO Project Award for Innovative Practice 2020 RET Americas was granted the Zero Project Award 2020 for Innovative Practice for “Including Children, Adolescents and Youth with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management practices.”
Resource Human-centred design in humanitarian settings: Methodologies for inclusivity This report documents the human-centred design process used in a project conducted in 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya. It includes research tools that can be used in other contexts, as well as the adaptations that were made to research tools to ensure they were inclusive. These tools are followed by the main lessons learned, and recommendations for others who want to implement a similar process.
Resource Primary education for children with disabilities: learning from implementation in Syria This query is a short summary of information gathered from interviews with implementers working on education for children with disabilities in Syria.
Resource IASC Guidelines on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action 2019 The guidelines set out essential actions that humanitarian actors must take in order to effectively identify and respond to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities who are most at risk of being left behind in humanitarian settings.
Resource Directrices del Comité Permanente entre Organismos sobre la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en la acción humanitaria The guidelines set out essential actions that humanitarian actors must take in order to effectively identify and respond to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities who are most at risk of being left behind in humanitarian settings.
Resource Directives sur l'intégration des personnes handicapées dans l'action humanitaire Les directives décrivent les actions essentielles que doivent entreprendre les acteurs humanitaires en vue d’identifier et de répondre de manière effective aux besoins et droits des personnes handicapées qui risquent le plus d’être laissées pour compte dans les contextes humanitaires.
Resource World Around You World Around You is an open source, web-based authoring platform that allows for the creation and distribution of multilingual signed stories with written text across the Internet.
Resource The Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in EU-funded Humanitarian Aid Operations This guidance developed by the European Commission's humanitarian affairs department (DG ECHO) is conceived as a tool to reach the goal of combatting discrimination based on disability.