Blogue La petite enfance à l'ère du déconfinement Eduensemble a organisé ce wébinaire sur la petite enfance à l'ère du déconfinement
Notícias Lettre de solidarité conjointe à l'Union africaine : L'impact du COVID-19 sur l'éducation des filles et le mariage des enfants La pandémie de COVID-19 pourrait avoir un effet dévastateur sur le continent africain.
Recurso Advocating for EiE during COVID-19 The seventh webinar of the INEE COVID-19 webinar series focused on Education in Emergencies advocacy during COVID-19.
Recurso Prioritizing education in the Global Humanitarian Response Plan Education should be explicitly listed as a priority in all revised Humanitarian Response Plans and response strategies.
Recurso Priorizar la educación en el Plan Mundial de Respuesta Humanitaria (Global Humanitarian Response Plan - GHRP) Es por ello que la educación debe figurar explícitamente como una prioridad en todos los planes de respuesta humanitaria revisados y en todas las estrategias de respuesta.
Recurso Prioriser l’éducation dans le plan global de réponse humanitaire (GHRP) L'éducation devrait être explicitement inscrite comme une priorité dans tous les plans de réponse humanitaires et les stratégies révisés.
Recurso Guidance Note for Education Sector during COVID-19 in Sudan The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the Education partners in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Sudan. The document aims to provide recommendations for the preparedness and response.
Recurso Ensuring Inclusive Education during COVID-19 This webinar focused on ensuring inclusive education approaches during COVID-19.
Evento Maintaining learner health and well-being during school closure and reopening This webinar, the 7th in an ongoing UNESCO series on educational responses to COVID-19, will explore how those working in the sectors of education and health can apply evidence-informed actions to promote and protect the health and wellbeing of learners in the context of school closures and schools reopening.
Blogue Daan Corona, un titre plus fort que de grands discours Daan Corona, un titre plus fort que de grands discours