Recurso Alimentação de Lactentes e Crianças Pequenas em Situações de Emergência: Guia Operacional para Profissionais de Apoio e Administradores de Programas nas Situações de Emergência A OG-AIE visa proporcionar um guia conciso e prático sobre a forma de garantir uma adequada alimentação aos lactentes e crianças pequenas em situações de emergência.
Recurso إدماج الأطفال من ذوي الإعاقة في العمل الإنساني توفر هذه السلسلة من الكتيبات نظرة حول حالة الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة في السياقات الإنسانية، وتسلط الضوء على الطرق التي يتم بها استبعادهم من العمل الإنساني، كما تقدّم إجراءات ونصائح عملية لإدراج الأطفال والمراهقين ذوي الإعاقة بشكل أفضل في جميع مراحل العمل الإنساني.
Recurso Including children with disabilities in humanitarian action This series of booklets provides insight into the situation of children with disabilities in humanitarian contexts, highlights the ways in which they are excluded from humanitarian action, and offers practical actions and tips to better include children and adolescents with disabilities in all stages of humanitarian action.
Recurso Inclusión de los niños y niñas con discapacidad en la acción humanitaria Esta serie de folletos ofrece una visión de la situación de los niños y las niñas con discapacidad en contextos humanitarios, pone de relieve las formas en que quedan excluidos de la acción humanitaria y ofrece acciones prácticas y consejos para incluir mejor a los niños, niñas y adolescentes con discapacidad en todas las fases de la acción humanitaria.
Recurso Inclure les enfants handicapés dans l’action humanitaire Cette série de livrets donne un aperçu de la situation des enfants handicapés dans les contextes humanitaires, met en lumière les façons dont ils sont exclus de l'action humanitaire et propose des actions pratiques et des conseils pour mieux inclure les enfants et les adolescents handicapés à tous les stades de l'action humanitaire.
Recurso Adolescent Girls in Disaster and Conflict: Interventions for Improving Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Millions of adolescent girls are in need of humanitarian assistance. In emergencies, adolescent girls need tailored programming to increase their access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, and to protect them from gender-based violence.
Recurso PBEA Case study of volunteers during the Ebola response in Liberia This study evaluates the effects of the volunteers’ interventions as part of the Ebola response from the perspective of the volunteers themselves and other key stakeholders. It focuses on five key areas: relevance, efficiency, results and effectiveness, partnership, and sustainability.
Recurso Early Childhood Development, Nutrition and Health in Emergencies This technical note supports nutrition and health colleagues own early childhood development sensitive approaches as integral to nutrition and health activities in emergencies.
Recurso SBCC for Emergency Preparedness Implementation Kit The purpose of the Social and Behavior Change Communication for Emergency Preparedness Implementation Kit is to provide a set of key considerations for SBCC activities in emergency situations. It is our hope that by completing the exercises presented in this I-Kit, national governments will be better prepared to manage serious public health events.
Recurso Exploiter le potentiel des TIC Programmes : efficaces d’alphabétisation et de numératie utilisant la radio, la télévision, le téléphone mobile, les tablettes et les ordinateurs Cette publication présente une sélection de programmes d’alphabétisation qui utilisent la radio, la télévision, le téléphone portable, la tablette et l’ordinateur pour favoriser l’acquisition des compétences en lecture, écriture, calcul et langage.