Evento Achieving quality education for internally displaced children and young people This webinar will highlight the real-life day-to-day challenges young IDPs experience when seeking access to quality education, which is fundamental to their healthy development and future life chances. It will also reflect the perspectives of teachers who have been displaced, and the challenges they have faced both personally and professionally in attempting to support the learning of children and young people in their communities.
Recurso مذكّرة ميدانية: زيارة المنازل في الشّرق الأوسط: دراسات حول تنفيذ برنامج الوصول والتّعلم أوجز المؤلفون كاتلين سوينج ويلتون وإيمي فاشون وكاتي ميف ميرفي وآيات الأقرع وعبد الله النسور وإيمان إبراهيم وأنس طحان وكايلا هوير وكريستين باول في هذه المذكّرة الميدانيّة تجربة لجنة الإنقاذ الدّولية في تكييف التّدخل عن طريق الزّيارة المنزليّة لتنمية الطّفولة المبكّرة للاجئين والنّازحين داخليًا في الأردن ولبنان وسوريا.
Recurso Field Note: Home Visiting in the Middle East: Reflections on the Implementation of Reach Up and Learn In this Field Note, authors Katelin Swing Wilton, Aimée Vachon, Katie Maeve Murphy, Ayat Al Aqra, Abdullah Ensour, Iman Ibrahim, Anas Tahhan, Kayla Hoyer, and Christine Powell outline the International Rescue Committee’s experience adapting a home-visiting ECD intervention for refugees and internally displaced persons in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.
Recurso Action Towards Increased Quality Education for Internally Displaced Children This report builds a case for the importance of education in preventing conflict and displacement, in adequately responding to internally displaced children’s education and wellbeing needs and that including internally displaced children in national education systems is a step toward achieving durable solutions to their displacement.
Evento Conversa sobre Educação de Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente Este evento, a decorrer em Língua Portuguesa e tendo em conta as especificidades dos contextos de Língua oficial Portuguesa, é uma de cinco Conversas On-line sobre Educação de Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente promovido pelo Grupo de Trabalho da INEE sobre Advocacy. Este ciclo de conversas on-line procura dar voz a alunos, alunos deslocados internamente, bem como professores e professoras deslocados ou que trabalhem com crianças e jovens deslocados, de forma a que possam expressar as suas perceções e preocupações relativas à sua educação.
Evento Conversa sobre Educação de Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente Este evento, a decorrer em Língua Portuguesa e tendo em conta as especificidades dos contextos de Língua oficial Portuguesa, é uma de cinco Conversas On-line sobre Educação de Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente promovido pelo Grupo de Trabalho da INEE sobre Advocacy. Este ciclo de conversas on-line procura dar voz a alunos, alunos deslocados internamente, bem como professores e professoras deslocados ou que trabalhem com crianças e jovens deslocados, de forma a que possam expressar as suas perceções e preocupações relativas à sua educação.
Recurso Navigating Education Data for Internally Displaced Persons This webinar shared the results of a study to help further our understanding of what the existing IDP educational data landscape looks like. More detailed findings are presented in the forthcoming resource, "Mapping the Ecosystem of Education Data for Internally Displaced Persons in the Middle East and Beyond: Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations".
Evento Navigating Education Data for Internally Displaced Persons This webinar shared the results of a study to help further our understanding of what the existing IDP educational data landscape looks like. More detailed findings are presented in the forthcoming resource, "Mapping the Ecosystem of Education Data for Internally Displaced Persons in the Middle East and Beyond: Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations".
Recurso Internal Displacement in a Changing Climate - Global Report on Internal Displacement 2021 IDMC’s Global Report on Internal Displacement is the official repository of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's GRID discusses the relationship between climate change, disasters and displacement, and presents good practices from across the globe in advancing policy, displacement risk reduction and effective response.
Recurso Need to Know Guidance: Working with LGBTIQ+ Persons in Forced Displacement A guidance note on working with LGBTQIA+ individuals in forced displacement contexts. Includes terminology, guiding principles, and recommendations for promoting safe and inclusive spaces and addressing operational protection risks.