Recurso INEE 20th Anniversary Creative Visualization As a way to capture the dialogue throughout INEE's 20th Anniversary event, Max Frieder of Artolution produced a live, creative visualization depicting the themes discussed by participants. We encourage you to engage with this wonderful art piece via a tour and description of the concepts and a time-lapse video of its production.
Blogue Go for it, INEE! Cross the humanitarian-development divide and build the nexus to ensure children’s education In light of INEE's 20th anniversary, Dr. Margaret Sinclair reflects on what’s lies ahead for education in emergencies.
Notícias Un día para reimaginar un futuro mejor para cada niño y cada niña Hoy, día universal del niño, no se puede pasar por alto la crisis de los derechos de los niños y las niñas como consecuencia de la emergencia del COVID-19. Los costos de la pandemia para los niños y las niñas son inmediatos y, si no los abordamos, pueden durar toda la vida. Llegó el momento de que las generaciones se unan para reimaginar el mundo que deseamos crear.
Blogue Humanitarian aid funding still failing education Alongside the many positive developments in relation to the ever-increasing visibility of education in emergencies, a new flagship report from the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) presents sobering findings on trends in humanitarian aid to education.
Blogue Reflection on INEE’s 20th Anniversary This reflection on INEE's 20th Anniversary from Dr. Marc Sommers was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration.
Notícias XI Asamblea regional de la CLADE aborda horizontes del derecho humano a la educación en la postpandemia La XI Asamblea Regional de la Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE), que tiene lugar del 13 de octubre al 26 de noviembre, toma como tema central el Derecho Humano a la Educación, con el objetivo de analizar la actual coyuntura regional e internacional a este respecto, y trazar estrategias para la efectiva implementación del derecho humano a la e
Notícias Les fermetures d'écoles dues à la pandémie de COVID 19 ne constituent pas la plus grande menace pour l'apprentissage des enfants Alors que les gouvernements à travers monde s’efforcent toujours de mettre en œuvre des programmes d'apprentissage à distance accessibles à tous les enfants, la crise de l'éducation, exacerbée par la pandémie de COVID-19, ne semble pas faiblir.
Recurso Averting an Education Catastrophe for the World's Children Education systems were already in crisis even before the pandemic and are now facing the likelihood of drastic budget cuts. If governments and development partners do not act immediately, this crisis could turn into a catastrophe from which millions of children may never recover.
Recurso “If you don’t have an education, you are no one”: Understanding the School Experiences of Youth Involved in Drug-Related Crime in Ciudad Juárez and Medellín Authors Cirenia Chavez Villegas and Elena Butti call attention to how school practices limit the right to education and “push out” students who live on the margins of capitalism and legality.