Recurso Humanitarian Aid for Education: Why It Matters and Why More is Needed This paper describes how the humanitarian aid systems neglect the education of children and adolescents in countries affected by or emerging from conflict, and more and better targeted aid is needed.
Recurso Ayuda humanitaria para la educación: por qué es importante y por qué debe aumentar Como se señala en el presente documento, en los sistemas de ayuda humanitaria no se presta suficiente atención a la educación de los niños y adolescentes en los países afectados por conflictos o que salen de conflictos, de manera que es necesario incrementar y orientar mejor la ayuda.
Recurso L'Aide humanitaire pour l'éducation: les raisons de son importance, pourquoi il faut l'intensifier Comme nous le verrons cependant dans le présent document, le système d’aide humanitaire néglige l’éducation des enfants et des adolescents dans les pays touchés par un conflit ou sortant de conflit. L’aide doit être à la fois intensifiée et mieux ciblée.
Recurso Walk the Talk: Review of Donors’ Humanitarian Policies on Education This review was commissioned by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Save the Children to better understand the landscape of donors’ humanitarian policies on education and the role such policies play in influencing education in emergencies practice.
Recurso Key messages on conflict and education from the EFA GMR 2015 This resource contains messages and information specifically about education and conflict from the full EFA GMR 2015 report
Recurso Investment for Education in Emergencies- A Review of Evidence This report finds that: Communities prioritise education over other needs in emergency contexts; Longer term costs of emergencies to education include estimates that reach hundreds of millions – and even billions – of dollars; and Humanitarian aid to education in emergencies is very low, with limited understanding of how this can catalyse other sources of funding.
Recurso More and Better: Global Action to Improve Funding, Support and Collaboration for Education in Emerge The UN Special Envoy for Education has called for a new dedicated funding mechanism for education in emergencies. This document provides a set of principles, identified by Save the Children, that can and should be advanced by the new mechanism
Recurso Plan de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres del Sector Educación 2014-2021 Perú En este documento se presenta el Plan de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres del Sector Educación 2014-2021 de Perú que se orienta a lograr una sociedad segura y resiliente ante el riesgo de desastres reduciendo la vulnerabilidad de la población y sus medios de vida.
Recurso Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children: Africa Regional Reports This report is a situation analysis of out-of-school children (OOSC) in ESAR. Its aim is to provide up to-date knowledge and evidence on the profiles of OOSC, the barriers and bottlenecks that children and families face in accessing education, and an analysis of responses, including policies and strategies to enable children to gain meaningful access.