Recurso الإطار الأساسي للوقاية في مجال حماية الطفل في العمل الإنساني يوفر الإطار الأساسي للوقاية في مجال حماية الطفل في العمل الإنساني (الإطار) إرشادات للعاملين في المجال الإنساني بشأن الإجراءات والاعتبارات الرئيسية التي يتوجب عليهم تطبيقها لدى تطوير أو تنفيذ البرامج الخاصة بوقاية الأطفال من الأذى ضمن البيئات الإنسانية وذلك على مستوى السكان.
Recurso Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action The framework provides guidance for humanitarian workers on the key actions and considerations to apply when developing or implementing programming to prevent harm to children in humanitarian settings at the population-level. It highlights guiding principles and specific actions to take within each of the five steps of the program management cycle for effective primary prevention efforts. Supporting resources and practical tools are linked within each step.
Recurso Marco de prevención primaria para la protección de la niñez en acción humanitaria El marco de prevención primaria para la protección de la niñez en la acción humanitaria (el Marco) ofrece anotaciones sobre las principales acciones y consideraciones que profesionales humanitarios deben tomar a la hora de desarrollar o llevar a cabo un programa de prevención de daños en niños y niñas en situaciones humanitarias y con intervenciones dirigidas a la población.
Recurso Cadre de la prévention primaire pour la protection des enfants dans l'action humanitaire Le Cadre de la prévention primaire pour la protection des enfants dans l'action humanitaire (le cadre) fournit des conseils aux professionnels de l'humanitaire sur les principales actions et considérations à mettre en œuvre lors de l'élaboration ou de la mise en œuvre de programmes de prévention des atteintes à l'encontre des enfants dans les situations humanitaires, au niveau de la population.
Recurso How Do We Know If Teachers Are Well? The Wellbeing Holistic Assessment for Teachers Tool Authors Fernanda Soares, Nina Menezes Cunha, and Paul Frisoli discuss how they created a new tool for measuring teachers’ emotion regulation, perceived stress, emotional exhaustion, and self-efficacy and adapted it to the Salvadoran context. A psychometric factor analysis of data from a sample of 1,659 teachers indicate evidence of the tool’s validity.
Recurso How Family Relationships Predict the Effectiveness of a Psychosocial Group Intervention among War-Affected Children Taking a family systems approach, authors Raija-Leena Punamäki, Kirsi Peltonen, Marwan Diab, and Samir R Qouta find that child-parent attachment, parenting styles, and sibling relationships may mediate the perceived benefit of a group therapy program among a sample of children from 325 Palestinian families. They base their findings on family-type data and self-reported PTSD and mental health data.
Recurso Teachers, Schools and Communities: Strengthening Safe Spaces This study delves into the lessons learned from these diverse experiences in preventing risk situations from getting out of control and contributing to making the school an insecure place.
Recurso Profesores, escuelas y comunidades: fortalecer espacios seguros El presente estudio examina las lecciones aprendidas durante el desarrollo de acciones para prevenir que las situaciones de riesgo se salgan de control y hagan de la escuela un lugar inseguro.
Recurso JEiE Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs Launch Marking the launch of JEiE’s latest publication, a groundbreaking special issue on education and the war on drugs, the panelists examined how education is not only a site of extensive collateral damage produced by the war on drugs but also how education policies and practices perpetuate and sustain this long-running, transnational, multifaceted war.
Evento JEiE Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs Launch Marking the launch of JEiE’s latest publication, a groundbreaking special issue on education and the war on drugs, the contributing authors, issue editors, and special guest discussants will examine how education is not only a site of extensive collateral damage produced by the war on drugs but also how education policies and practices perpetuate and sustain this long-running, transnational, multifaceted war.