[Deadline Extended] Call for New and Updated Case Studies on Supporting Teachers in Crisis Contexts - TiCC Event Series 2021-2022

Teacher Wellbeing
Teacher Professional Development

**Deadline Extended**: Friday, October 15th, 5:00pm EST

Education in Emergencies practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and teachers are invited to submit case studies about teacher programming and policies in conflict, crisis, and displacement contexts to eventseries@inee.org with the subject title [CASE STUDY] by Friday, October 15th at 5.00pm EST. All submissions must use the Case Study Template

Successful submissions will be invited to present at Teachers in Crisis Contexts Event Series webinars in October, November, and December. Audience and peer review feedback will help shape final submissions for publication in a second edition of Promising Practices in Teacher Management, Professional Development, and Wellbeing.

New case studies should include evidence-based practices, targeted policies, and/or cutting edge research related to how one or more of the following three themes are addressing a specific crisis-related issue(s):

  • Teacher management (i.e. teacher recruitment, supply, compensation, supervision, certification, etc.)
  • School governance and leadership (i.e. school leader professional development and support, community governance models, cluster-based decision making, preparedness and recovery planning) 
  • Teacher professional development (i.e. training modalities that promote innovative pedagogies that include face-to-face training, coaching, mentoring, distance, and/or online learning etc. for either pre-service or in-service approaches; teacher collaboration; coordination across providers; collaboration with national teacher training institutes, etc.)
  • Teacher well-being (i.e. dimensions of well-being including social, emotional, physical, intellectual, financial, and spiritual; interventions to support teacher well-being)
  • Innovative pedagogies (i.e. creative, new, or traditional ways of reaching and teaching at risk learners.; high-tech, low-tech, and no-tech approaches to distant learning; learning through play and culturally responsive practices) 

Case study papers will provide a basis for informed discussions during the TiCC Event Series and will address key knowledge gaps in the field of EiE. All case studies should entail specific examples from conflict, crisis, and/or displacement contexts. 

For updated case studies, organizations and authors already published in Promising Practices: Teacher Management, Professional Development and Well-being are invited to submit a 500 word max COVID-19 related addendum to their case study using this template. The addendums will be added to existing case studies in an updated Promising Practices publication and will reflect how:

  • Policies supported teachers’ needs during COVID-19 related school closures
  • Programs were adapted to meet the professional development and well-being of teachers during COVID-19, including innovative pedagogies
  • Practices were developed and implemented to ensure teaching and learning continuity in response to COVID-19 
  • Research approaches that demonstrate positive engagement of or collaboration with school leaders

Selected case studies will reflect one (or more) of the following categories:

  1. Innovative evidence-based, good practice in teacher management, teacher professional development, or teacher well-being in conflict, crisis, and/or displacement contexts (i.e. toolkits, training materials, programming models).
  2. Established or new policy that has improved or aims to improve teacher management, teacher professional development, or teacher well-being in conflict, crisis, and/or displacement contexts.
  3. Emerging research on teacher management, teacher professional development, or teacher well-being in conflict, crisis, and/or displacement contexts.
  4. Adaptations to existing programs or the development of new initiatives that address teachers’ specific strengths and needs during COVID-19 and beyond.

The evaluation and selection of submitted case studies will be based on the following criteria:

  • The general quality of the submission
  • The use of qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, process evaluation, or monitoring data in submission 
  • Alignment with at least one of the five TiCC event series case study themes (teacher management, professional development, wellbeing, school leadership and governance, and innovative pedagogies)

Please ensure that you clearly outline the crisis and EiE-related challenges to set the scene.

N.B. Case study submissions must be written in English. For information and assistance with this requirement, please contact eventseries@inee.org

Submitting case studies:

Please submit all application materials to eventseries@inee.org with the subject: “Application – Case Study for Teachers in Crisis Contexts Event Series [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] [YOUR NAME]”. Please note that submission of an abstract is not a guarantee for participation in the event series. The organizing team will be in touch with you by early October with a decision on acceptance of case studies. 

Only case studies that include qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, process evaluation, or monitoring data will be considered.

For any additional questions related to the event series, please send all correspondence to the same email address.

Key Deadlines:

Case study abstract submission (1,000 words) Friday, October 15th, 5.00pm EST 

  • All case study submissions must use this template 
  • Abstracts must be written in English
  • Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to present a draft of their full case study to a webinar audience for peer questions and feedback (dates to be confirmed)

Full and final case study submission (1,500 words) Friday December 10th, 5.00pm EST