Remote Learning Packs

In response to the challenge to education systems presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF and the World Bank, with funding from GPE, have created a set of global public goods in partnership with Cambridge Education to support the delivery of quality remote learning. The seven Resource Packs are designed to support government officials and staff in national and international agencies tasked with designing and implementing effective remote learning opportunities for children in development and humanitarian contexts as well as strengthening existing remote learning programmes. Each pack is meant to cover early learning, primary and secondary with approaches for the most marginalized. They also include guidance and tools to support localized deployment.  

Remote Learning Resource Pack 1: Introduction

This instructor Resource Pack considers the key elements of a ‘pedagogy-first’ approach to remote learning, starting with the learner and learning, then considering technology options and your programmes’ broader approach to supporting learning. It discusses some of the most common considerations that remote programmes often overlook but which, if carefully considered, can lead to improved learning for more children.

Remote Learning Resource Pack 2: Radio

Radio has a long-established position among remote learning modalities, reflecting in part its wide accessibility in many parts of the world including in some of the hardest to reach areas. This pack is designed to support you if you are involved in remote learning using radio and help you to strengthen and improve systems and approaches so that learning outcomes can be improved for all children and young people.

Remote Learning Resource Pack 3: Print

Despite advances in technology, print remains a crucial medium for many learners around the world. This pack discusses some of the major strengths and limitations of print as a medium for delivery of remote learning an identifies some of the approaches that can be taken when planning for the use of print within remote learning.

Remote Learning Resource Pack 4: TV

A recent UNICEF survey of 127 countries using technology for remote learning identified that 75% are using edTV. This pack is designed to support you if you are involved in remote learning through edTV. It can help you to strengthen and improve your systems and approaches so that learning outcomes can be improved for all children and young people.

Remote Learning Resource Pack 5: Digital Technology

This Resource Pack is intended to help you design new digital remote learning programmes or
strengthen existing programmes. This pack will help evaluate your digital learning options by placing
your learning purpose and the context of your learners at the heart of your decision making.

Remote Learning Resource Pack 6: Mobile

There are over 5 billion mobile users in the world today. Unsurprisingly, many countries are turning to mobile technology for remote learning. This pack is about creating and strengthening effective remote learning programmes using mobile technology. It overlaps with the Resource Pack about digital learning.

Remote Learning Resource Pack 7: Formative Assessment

Children and young people cannot be expected to learn and progress through a remote learning programme with few or no interactions with teachers. This Resource Pack is about creating opportunities for formative assessment in remote learning programmes i.e. opportunities for checking understanding, giving feedback and collecting information to decide what to do next.

Informação sobre o Recurso

Tipo de Recurso



Publicado por

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank


Distance Education