Blogue Grief Matters: Supporting Resilience and Wellbeing of Children in Crisis Contexts The emotional and physiological impact trauma, grief, and toxic stress can have on children affected by crisis’ development can be devastating. Learn how Amal Alliance programs strengthen children’s social and emotional skills to mitigate the impacts of crisis-induced trauma and grief.
Recurso Mental health and remote learning in emergencies The webinar was hosted for the launch of UNICEF report on the role of remote modalities in implementing mental health and psychosocial support programs and services in the education sector.
Evento Mental health and remote learning in emergencies We are pleased to invite you to a launch webinar for UNICEF’s new report “Remote modalities and mental health and psychosocial support in the education sector.” UTC
Recurso SEL Workshop Packet, Module 4: Learning Spaces This material supports the Learning Spaces section of the Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning Workshop, delivered by the Quality Holistic Learning Project.
Recurso L’apprentissage socio-émotionnel à l’école: Comment créer un environnement de bienêtre et d’apprentissage? Ce matériel, traduit en français, soutient la section Espaces d’apprentissage de l’atelier d’introduction à l’apprentissage social et émotionnel, dispensé par le projet d’apprentissage holistique de qualité.
Recurso مقدمة في ورش عمل التعلم العاطفي الاجتماعي: دليل التيسير يدعم هذا الدليل تقديم أربع ورش عمل تمهيدية تركز على التعلم الشامل الجيد في سياقات الأزمات من خلال التعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي. يتم تنظيم التدريب في 4 ورش عمل تفاعلية.
Recurso Introduction to SEL Workshop Packet: Facilitation Guide This manual supports the delivery of four introductory workshops that focus on Quality Holistic Learning in crisis contexts through social and emotional learning. The training is organized in 4 interactive workshops.
Recurso Ateliers d’introduction à l’apprentissage socio-émotionnel: Guide du facilitateur Ce manuel soutient la prestation de quatre ateliers d’introduction qui se concentrent sur l’apprentissage holistique de qualité dans des contextes de crise grâce à l’apprentissage social et émotionnel. La formation est organisée en 4 ateliers interactifs.
Recurso SEL Workshop Packet, Module 2: Psychosocial Support This material supports the Psychosocial Support section of the Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning Workshop, delivered by the Quality Holistic Learning Project.
Recurso حزمة ورشة عمل التعلم العاطفي الاجتماعي: الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي This material supports the Psychosocial Support section of the Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning Workshop, delivered by the Quality Holistic Learning Project.