Recurso Parenting Impact Study in Lira, Uganda This report describes the development, implementation and evaluation of a 12-session, community-wide, parenting programme implemented in Uganda to promote child health, growth and cognitive development and to improve maternal well-being.
Recurso Avian Flu Prevention Resources Avian Flu prevention resources have been made available by UNICEF's East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. Individual documents available in this section include the following: Primary Teacher Materials Programme, Secondary Teacher Materials Programme, Pocket Poultry Guide, Pocket Poultry Cooking Guide and supplementary PowerPoint presentation that can be modified as needed.
Recurso INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Uganda The guiding research focus of this study is to gain a better understanding of how organizations are using the Minimum Standards, with a focus on the crosscutting themes of gender and HIV/AIDS, in a chronic crisis setting.
Recurso Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Emergencies: What Should Camp Coordination & Management Know This document is for humanitarian actors within the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster, at national and subnational levels, in countries facing emergencies and crises. It is addressed to managers and field staff, and is also relevant to camp management agencies working in situations where the CCCM Cluster has not been activated
Recurso Who is Where, When, doing What (4Ws) in Mental Health & Psychosocial Support: Manual The IASC Reference group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support has developed a 4Ws tool to map MHPSS activities in humanitarian settings across sectors. It is envisioned that this tool will be used by groups with MHPSS coordination responsibilities in emergencies with numerous MHPSS actors.
Recurso Sexual and Reproductive Health During Protracted Crises and Recovery Recognizing the gap in sexual and reproductive health services (SRH) in international assistance, the WHO, the UNFPA and other humanitarian partners from the Health Cluster convened in Spain, producing the "Granada Consensus." This statement highlights four priority areas to be addressed in order to facilitate the sustainable provision of SRH services in protracted crises.
Recurso Mental Health in Haiti: A Literature Review This review focuses on relevant beliefs, help-seeking behavior, service utilization and both formal and informal resources for mental health. Our hope is that this report can provide some useful background for those unfamiliar with the local situation who hope to contribute to improving mental health services in the country.
Recurso Culture et santé mentale en Haïti : une revue de littérature Cette étude se concentre sur les croyances les plus importantes, le comportement de recherche d’aide, l’utilisation des services ainsi que des ressources formelles et informelles pour la santé mentale.
Recurso Levez les mains propres : Faire progresser l’apprentissage, la santé et la participation grâce au programme WASH dans les écoles Cet Appel à l’action exhorte les décideurs à renforcer leurs investissements et les acteurs concernés à coopérer dans le cadre de la planification et de l’action – de sorte que tous les enfants fréquentent des écoles adaptées à leurs besoins en matière d’approvisionnement en eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène.
Recurso Guidance Note for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: Haiti Earthquake Emergency Response This statement reflects the views of the Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Reference Group in response to the Haiti crisis. This guidance is based on the IASC Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Guidelines in Emergency Settings and highlights those aspects of the Guidelines that are particularly relevant for the current response in Haiti.