Recurso Winning the Game: How Sport for Development supports the psychological well-being of adolescent refugees This report looks at how S4D can be used to improve the mental health of programme participants, therefore focusing on a crucial outcome of psychological wellbeing.
Blogue Ukraine Crisis Resources The following resources support the provision of education, and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the crisis in Ukraine. This collection is mostly composed of materials available in languages relevant to the crisis in Ukraine, and more resources will be added as they become available
Recurso Pourquoi est-il important de répondre aux besoins en matière de santé mentale et de soutien psychosocial (SMSPS) ? Les situations d’urgence humanitaire causent une souffrance généralisée et affectent la santé mentale et le bien-être psychosocial des personnes.
Notícias Cellules médico-psychologiques : comment aident-elles les élèves après un événement traumatique ? Le milieu scolaire est, à l’image du reste de la société, régulièrement confronté à des violences et des événements graves à fort impact traumatique.
Blogue Recursos para a resposta aos sismos na Turquia e na Síria Uma lista de recursos para apoiar a oferta de educação, o apoio psicossocial e o bem-estar de estudantes, professoras/es e de todas as pessoas que foram afetadas pelos sismos na Turquia e na Síria.
Blogue Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Response Resources A list of resources to support the provision of education, and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.
Blogue Recursos de respuesta al terremoto de Turquía y Siria Listado de recursos para apoyar la prestación de servicios educativos, así como el apoyo psicosocial y el bienestar de estudiantes, docentes y personas afectadas por los terremotos de Turquía y Siria.
Blogue Ressources pour la réponse aux tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie Une liste de ressources pour soutenir l’accès à l’éducation et le soutien psychosocial et le bien-être pour les apprenants, le personnel enseignant et celles et ceux qui ont été affectés par les tremblements de terre en Turquie et en Syrie.
Blogue زلزال تركيا وسوريا: مصادر وأدوات للإستجابة للأزمة! تقدم القائمة التالية من الموارد والمصادر الدعم في التعليم والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي ورفاهية المتعلمين والمعلمين والمتضررين من الزلازل في تركيا وسوريا.
Recurso Why supporting caregivers’ mental health in crisis settings is essential for young children’s holistic development This brief highlights the importance of supporting caregivers’ mental health in crisis settings to young children’s holistic development. It presents data on the severity of the global mental health crisis, which is being exacerbated by the lack of funding for psychosocial support for children, youth, and families.