Recurso Disaster Risk Reduction in Education in Emergencies: A Guidance Note This Guidance Note recommends strategies and steps that can be taken. While the Guidance Note is consistent with the INEE Framework for Education in Emergencies, it has been set out in a simplified format for ease of reference. Cluster coordinators and technical staff are encouraged to use relevant ideas from here, based on the context and their priorities.
Recurso Education Cannot Wait: Protecting Children and Youth’s Right to a Quality Education in Humanitarian Emergencies and Conflict Situations The UN General Assembly resolution on ‘the right to education in emergency situations’ emphasizes the obligation to secure education for all children regardless of context. The UN Secretary General’s Education Initiative, Education First, also upholds the right to education in conflict and humanitarian emergencies, reinforcing the GA resolution.
Recurso Orientaciones educativas para la gestión integral del riesgo en el subsistema de educación básica Estas orientaciones se elaboran para la formación de las personas, familias, escuelas y comunidades, propiciando el desarrollo cognitivo, social y emocional para la toma de acciones organizativas en el "antes (prevención, preparación y mitigación)", "durante (alerta y respuesta)" y "después (reconstrucción y rehabilitación)" de la ocurrencia de eventos adversos naturales y/o antrópicos terrestre, acuático (fluvial-marítimo) y aéreo.
Recurso Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: South Sudan The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from South Sudan.
Recurso Training of Trainers on Education in Emergencies and the INEE Minimum Standards: Bandung, Indonesia As part of its efforts to continue to promote the importance and applicability of INEE minimum standards during preparedness, Response and Recovery phases of emergencies, Plan Indonesia decided to initiate and host a Training of Trainers (ToT).
Recurso INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Non-formal Education in Haiti This case study outlines Plan Haiti’s use of the INEE Minimum Standards to create non-formal education programs for Internally Displaced Persons after the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Recurso South Sudan Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies Contextualisation of the INEE Minimum Standards global tool for South Sudan.
Recurso The Multi Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) Approach To address calls for the cross-sectoral identification of key strategic humanitarian priorities, the IASC NATF developed the Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) Approach. A MIRA is the assessment and analysis of needs carried out during the first two weeks of a sudden onset disaster.
Recurso Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Vietnam The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Vietnam.
Recurso Education Cluster in Pakistan Lessons Learned: Flood Response The Global Education Cluster commissioned a comprehensive lessons learned exercise in Pakistan, covering the period from the start of the floods in July until March. This report outlines the main findings from this review and highlights a number of recommendations for the current response in Pakistan as well as future emergency education responses. The key recommendations to come out of this lessons learned exercise are highlighted below.