Recurso Teaching Amidst Conflict and Displacement: Persistent Challenges and Promising Practices for Refugee, Internally Displaced and National Teachers Confronted with record-high numbers of displaced persons and protracted crises that have lasted for decades, this paper draws on case study examples from multiple countries to examine both the persistent challenges and promising practices for refugee, internally displaced, and national teachers in their efforts to provide education to the millions of children and youth affected by crisis.
Recurso Refugee education between humanitarian and development assistance - a configurational comparative analysis across low- and middle-income host countries This doctoral research project builds a cross-country baseline of current policy and practice across 41 of the largest low- and middle-income refugee hosting countries. It sets out to examine under what conditions developmental approaches can lead to better access outcomes in primary and secondary education for refugees.
Recurso Pacto mundial sobre los refugiados La resolución subraya la importancia del pacto mundial sobre los refugiados como una representación de la voluntad política y la ambición de poner en práctica el principio de responsabilidad compartida, así como de movilizar a la comunidad internacional en su conjunto e impulsar la acción para mejorar la respuesta en situaciones de refugiados.
Recurso Pacte mondial sur les réfugiés Le pacte mondial pour les réfugiés vise à fournir une base pour un partage prévisible et équitable de la charge et des responsabilités entre tous les États membres des Nations unies, ainsi qu'avec d'autres parties prenantes concernées, le cas échéant. Il représente la volonté politique de renforcer la coopération et la solidarité avec les réfugiés et les pays d'accueil touchés.
Recurso اﻻﺗﻔقﺎ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲﻤ ﺑﺄﺸ ناﻟﺟﻼﺌﻴﻦ تم اعتمـاد القرار الخـاص حول مكتـب المفوض الســــامي للأمم المتحـدة لشـــؤون اللاجئين والذي يقر الاتفاق العالمي بشـــأن اللاجئين كما ورد في .(A/RES/73/151) 2018 الجزء الثاني( في 17 ديسمبر) A/73/12
Recurso Global Compact on Refugees The global compact on refugees intends to provide a basis for predictable and equitable burden-and responsibility-sharing among all United Nations Member States, together with other relevant stakeholders as appropriate. It represents the political will and ambition of the international community as a whole for strengthened cooperation and solidarity with refugees and affected host countries.
Recurso Pathways to Resilience in Risk-Laden Environments: A Case Study of Syrian Refugee Education in Lebanon This qualitative study, which examines the experiences of Syrian refugee children who are attending a non-formal education center in Lebanon, seeks to understand the role education plays in fostering pathways to resilience in the children’s lives. Half of the students in the study had chosen to drop out of the Lebanese formal schools they attended.
Recurso Field Note: The Borderless Higher Education for Refugees Project: Enabling Refugee and Local Kenyan Students in Dadaab to Transition to University Education This field note examines some of the challenges experienced by students living in and near the Dadaab refugee camps in northeastern Kenya who were making the transition from secondary school to university programs.
Recurso Turn the Tide: Refugee Education in Crisis This report tells the stories of some of the world’s 7.4 million refugee children of school age under UNHCR’s mandate. In addition, it looks at the educational aspirations of refugee youth eager to continue learning after secondary education, and highlights the need for strong partnerships in order to break down the barriers to education for millions of refugee children.
Recurso UNGA Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education In the present report, the Special Rapporteur reviews the situation of refugees with regard to the right to education, in particular in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development.