Recurso Localisation in the Humanitarian Coordination System This course was created to support cluster and area of responsibility coordination teams to increase their understanding of localisation in humanitarian coordination. It offers practical examples of how localisation practices have been implemented in Cluster and Area of Responsibility globally and at the country level, along with tips for overcoming barriers that might hinder localisation efforts. It gives humanitarian practitioners access to resources and suggestions for advancing localisation in humanitarian coordination.
Recurso La localización en el sistema de coordinación humanitaria Este curso se creó para ayudar a los equipos de coordinación de clústers y áreas de responsabilidad para mejorar su comprensión de la localización en la coordinación humanitaria. Ofrece ejemplos prácticos de cómo se han aplicado las prácticas de localización en los Clústers y Áreas de Responsabilidad a nivel mundial y nacional, junto con consejos para superar las barreras que pueden obstaculizar los esfuerzos de localización. Ofrece a los profesionales humanitarios acceso a recursos y sugerencias para avanzar en la localización en la coordinación humanitaria.
Recurso Global Education Cluster Data Repository The Global Education Cluster Data Repository is a new centralized information platform, bringing together critical data points from country-level responses, including People in Need, People Targeted, People Reached, and funding levels. This makes the Data Repository an essential resource for the sector to inform decision-making, including planning, response monitoring, advocacy, and resource mobilization.
Recurso Guidance on Coordinated Anticipatory Action in Education This document presents our current understanding of Anticipatory Action in Education and will be used as a starting point for discussion, planning and preparedness with country clusters and key partners through the GEC’s Task Team for Preparedness and Anticipatory Action.
Blogue دعوة لتقديم الطلبات: مجموعة التوجيه للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ تعلن الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ عن فتح باب التقديم لشغل منصب مانح واحد (1)، والذي يتاح في المجموعة التوجيهية للشبكة.
Blogue Call for Applications: INEE Steering Group The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is calling for applications from organizations to fill one (1) vacant donor position on the INEE Steering Group.
Blogue Convocatoria de candidaturas: Grupo Directivo de la INEE La Red Interagencial para la Educación en Situaciones de Emergencia (INEE) convoca a las organizaciones a presentar candidaturas para cubrir una (1) vacante de donante en el Grupo Directivo de la INEE.
Blogue Appel à candidatures : Comité directeur de l’INEE Le Réseau Inter-agences pour l’Éducation en Situations d’urgence (INEE) lance un appel à candidatures auprès des organisations afin de pourvoir un (1) poste de donateur vacant au sein du Comité directeur de l'INEE.
Blogue Chamada para candidaturas: Conselho Diretivo da INEE A Rede Interinstitucional para a Educação em Situações de Emergência (INEE) está com chamada aberta para candidaturas de organizações para preencher uma (1) vaga de entidade doadora para o Conselho Diretivo da INEE.
Recurso Orientation to the Guidance Note on Supporting Integrated Approaches to Child Protection and Education Programming This webinar provided an orientation to the Guidance Note for Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action, specifically discussing the shared space between the two sectors and best practices in approaching constructive and impactful integrated programming.