Blogue Teacher Stories: Alice - Palabek Refugee Settlement, Uganda This story of Alice, a teacher at Lugwar Primary School in Palabek, Uganda, was collected as part of TiCC Roundtable to ensure that the voices and experiences of teachers working in crisis and displacement permeate all aspects of the event.
Blogue Teacher Stories: Hisham and Aya - Beqaa Valley, Lebanon This story of two Syrian refugee teachers, Hisham and Aya, was collected as part of TiCC Roundtable to ensure that the voices and experiences of teachers working in crisis and displacement permeate all aspects of the event.
Recurso Teacher Wellbeing: Key Findings from a Landscape Review INEE and the Education Equity Research Initiative co-hosted an interactive webinar that presented recent research on teacher well-being in low resource, crisis, and conflict-affected settings.
Recurso Análise contextual: O Bem-estar de Professoras e Professores em Cenários afetados por situações de Conflito, Crises e Escassez de Recursos Esta análise contextual serve como um primeiro passo em direção a preencher a lacuna de evidências ao construir uma compreensão sobre o bem-estar de professores/as em contextos de crise, conflito e escassez de recursos, e identificar os fatores contextuais e individuais que podem influenciar o bem-estar.
Recurso مراجعة النظرة الشاملة ( المشهد): رفاه المعلم في السياقات قليلة الموارد والسياقات المتأثرة بالأزمات والصراعات لقد تمت هذه المراجعة الشاملة بتكليف من مبادرة أبحاث العدالة في التعليم، وهي الخطوة الأولى في سد عجز الأدلة، وذلك ببناء فهم لرفاه المعلمين في سياقات قلة الموارد، وسياقات الأزمات، والسياقات المتأثرة بالصراعات، وتحديد العوامل الفردية والسياقية التي قد تؤثر في ذلك
Recurso Landscape Review: Teacher Well-being in Low Resource, Crisis, and Conflict-affected Settings This resource includes findings from a landscape review, a conceptual framework for teacher well-being, as well as programmatic and policy guidance for providing comprehensive support to the well-being of teachers working in low resource, crisis, and conflict-affected contexts.
Recurso El bienestar docente en entornos afectados por escasez de recursos, crisis y conflictos: revisión general Esta revisión general constituye un primer paso para solventar las carencias en las evidencias mediante la comprensión del bienestar de los docentes en contextos afectados por la escasez de recursos, las crisis y los conflictos, y la identificación de los aspectos individuales y contextuales que pueden influir en dicho bienestar.
Recurso Étude du secteur : Le bien-être des enseignants dans les régions à faibles ressources, en crise et en conflit Cette étude du secteur constitue une première étape pour combler le manque de preuves en permettant de comprendre le bien-être des enseignants dans des contextes de faibles ressources, de crises et de conflits et en identifiant les facteurs individuels et contextuels qui peuvent influencer le bien-être.
Evento Teacher Wellbeing: Key Findings from a Landscape Review INEE and the Education Equity Research Initiative are excited to co-host Teacher Wellbeing: Key Findings from a Landscape Review, an interactive webinar that will present recent research on teacher well-being in low resource, crisis, and conflict-affected settings
Recurso Pathways to Wellbeing and a More Peaceful and Sustainable World: The Transformative Power of Children and Families Evidence is emerging that family- and community-based ECD services are cost-effective and have the potential to contribute to social cohesion and peacebuilding in both the short and long term – from one generation to the next. Given this, we need to engage government officials and policy-makers around the globe, as partners to invest in ECD services, using a multi-sectorial approach.