Recurso Training of Trainers on Education in Emergencies and the INEE Minimum Standards: Bandung, Indonesia As part of its efforts to continue to promote the importance and applicability of INEE minimum standards during preparedness, Response and Recovery phases of emergencies, Plan Indonesia decided to initiate and host a Training of Trainers (ToT).
Recurso INEE-UNRWA Workshop Final Report In support of UNRWA's commitment to ensure the right to education even in emergencies, INEE and UNRWA decided upon an initial collaboration to be implemented through a practical capacity building workshop for those currently managing education provision in a situation of unrest in Syria. This workshop was held in Amman, Jordan 17-19 October 2011.
Recurso The Journey of Life Trainer's Manual: Facilitator's Guide The Journey of Life (JOL) series helps communities to support both caregivers and children in need. With individual and community resources often stretched to the breaking point by HIV and AIDS, war, violence and natural disasters, people need the information and skills to be able to plan a course of action.
Recurso INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Building Capacity for Gaza Educationalists This case study details the Training of Trainers on the INEE Minimum Standards conducted by the UNESCO oPt office and the subsequent steps to ensure that this learning was transposed into action on the ground.
Recurso EiE Harmonized Training Module 0: Guidance and Time Tabling This document is a guide to planning the content of an education in emergencies training. The materials referenced by the guide were created in 2010 through a project jointly sponsored by the Education Cluster Unit and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies.
Recurso Module 0: Planification d’une formation éducative en situations d’urgence Ce document est un guide de planification d’une formation à l’éducation en situations d’urgence. Les matériels référencés par le guide sont le fruit d’un projet conjoint financé par le Cluster éducation et le Réseau inter-agences pour l’éducation en situations d’urgence.
Recurso Civic and Psychosocial Teacher Training Occupied Palestinian Territories Reducing the Impact of Violence was a project implemented by TCC during the height of the Second Intifada and in a context of ongoing assaults by the Israeli military invasion.
Recurso L'Education en situations d'urgence : Guide du facilitateur Guide de formation pour formateurs en situations d'urgence.
Recurso Teacher Training Southern Sudan The program addresses “Teaching and Learning Standard 2: Training” by providing recognized, progressive, and participatory in-service training to current primary school and ECD teachers, with adaptations to meet challenges of the Southern Sudan context.
Recurso Manual del curso de preparación en unidades educativas “cupue” para emergencias Curso de Preparación en Unidades Educativas “CUPUE” para emergencias, que se presenta como una herramienta para capacitar en riesgos y generar planes escolares para emergencias y comités escolares de emergencia en cada uno de los establecimientos educativos de La Paz.