A Mapping Exercise: Training Programs for Teachers and Education Workers in the Field of Peacebuilding and Conflict-Transformation

The Inter-Agency Network for Education (INEE) Working Group on Education and Fragility has conducted a mapping exercise to identify training programs exclusively for teachers and education workers in the field of peace-building and conflict transformation. The programs include tertiary programs in a broad sense, comprising both formal and non-formal programs delivered by a range of organisations, and mainly but not exclusively delivered in contexts of fragility and overt- violent conflict. 

The aim of this research project is to gain an idea of the types of training programs available to and specifically geared towards teachers and education workers. This can be used as a point of departure to identify best practices in teachers training in the field of peace-building and conflict-transformation. Recommendations for this process, including areas for further research, are included in the report.

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Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Education and Fragility
Education for Peacebuilding