Gaza Education Cluster Response Plan

The purpose of this response plan is to ensure that the children and youth in Gaza can resume their right to learn as soon as possible after the cessation of hostilities, that all education actors do everything possible during the current hostilities to plan for this, and then support the effective resumption of education in Gaza once hostilities stop. 

For it to be effective, this response plan needs to be developed and owned by all actors involved in support of the right of all children and youth in Gaza to education. The Education Cluster’s role is to support this development and to facilitate ownership. This will require continuing and scaling up interventions that are possible before the cessation of hostilities, intervening in the first 6 months of early recovery after the ceasefire, and then for the remainder of the first year as reconstruction begins. 

Informação sobre o Recurso

Tipo de Recurso

Emergency Response Plan


Publicado por

Global Education Cluster


Humanitarian Sectors - Education

Zona geográfica de enfoque

occupied Palestinian territory